UCA 16th Assembly
The Rev Charissa Suli, from New South Wales, was installed as the Assembly President at the meeting of The Uniting Church in Australia Assembly which took place in Parramatta, Sydney from 11 – 16 July 2024.
The NCCA welcomes Rev Suli and looks forward to working with her during her term over the next three years, 2024-2027. Rev Suli is the fourth woman President, the second ordained woman and the youngest person in the role. In addition to this, she is also of Tongan background and brings a lived experience to the multicultural context of the church.
Rev Charissa Suli was installed at the triennial meeting of the Uniting Church on 11 July at St Stephens Uniting Church in Macquarie Street at 7.30pm. The service included Tongan choirs and singing in multiple languages.
“Rev Suli, 42, is deeply proud of her Tongan heritage which has shaped her life and faith and hopes through her leadership to amplify the voices that go unheard.” UCA Media Release
Read more about Rev Charissa Suli – UCA MEDIA RELEASE: Uniting Church installs 17th President – 8 July 2024
Pictured L-R: Past Presidents, Dr Jill Tabart (1994-97), Dr Deidre Palmer (2018-21) & Rev Sharon Hollis (2021-24) and far right, Assembly President, Rev Charissa Suli
The theme for the 17th Assembly and the next triennium:
“Threads of Love, Weaving Christ’s Love Across Cultures and Boundaries”.
Inspired by the honoured Tongan tradition of weaving the fala (mat), the theme speaks to our God-given call to weave Christ’s love into the world by building bridges across social and cultural divides.
“Each strand of the fala is important to each other in the same way that the Holy Spirit gifts and empowers all members of the Church to confess Jesus Christ and serve him,” said Rev Suli.
Thank You
The NCCA says a very heartfelt prayer of gratitude to Rev Sharon Hollis for her fellowship with us as President of the Uniting Church in Australia and for her participation in the meetings of National Church leaders. She has shared with us the turbulence and joys of the last few years and has held us up faithfully in prayers.
As Retiring President of the UCA Assembly, Rev Sharon Hollis gave an address at the 17th Assembly, reminding us of the abundant grace of God and liberating hope we have in Christ. Please read her Retiring President’s address
Appreciation for NCCA
The 17th Assembly also gave thanks to God for the work and witness of the National Council of Churches in Australia as it marks 30 years. Please read here – Appreciation for NCCA
The NCCA would like to congratulate Rev Dr Paul Goh (SA), the new President-Elect 2024 – 2027.
The NCCA is also delighted to hear that the Assembly elected Andrew Johnson as the next General Secretary.
The 17th Assembly in Photos
See a collection of photos taken as it happened.