How We Work

The NCCA gathers together Churches and Christian communities which confess the Lord Jesus Christ as God and Saviour according to the Scriptures. We commit to deepen our relationship with each other and to work together towards the fulfilment of common witness, proclamation and service, to the glory of the one God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Theologian in Residence

The Rev’d Rachel Taber-Hamilton will be this year’s ‘Theologian in Residence’ at St Peter’s Cathedral, 27 King William Rd, North Adelaide South Australia, from 14 – 21, 2024.

About The Rev’d Rachel Taber-Hamilton 

Rachel is the Rector of Trinity Episcopal Church, Everett, Washington in the Diocese of Olympia, USA. Rachel is of First Nations heritage (Shakan, British Columbia). Rachel will be here with her partner Nigel, who is also a priest and doing a doctorate on Paul. Rachel is a very fine and provocative thinker, and a member of the Anglican Indigenous Network.

The  ‘Theologian in Residence’ Program

This program is offered in conjunction with St Barnabas College and part-sponsored by the Anglican Board of Mission. The program will include two workshops.


When: Monday 14 October 7.00pm

Where: the Cathedral Hotel – Limited numbers (Contact Office to Register- details below)

Workshop 1

When: Tuesday 15 October 7.00pm

Where: St Peter’s Cathedral, 27 King William Rd, North Adelaide SA

The Doctrine of Discovery: The Episcopal Church, Indigenous Peoples, and the Necessity of Decolonizing Christianity

This presentation presents an encapsulated history of the history and forces of Western Civilization that inform the development of the Doctrine of Discovery, how the Doctrine continues to be operant within neo-colonialism today, and what we can do within churches to transform relationships with Indigenous peoples within a mission more in keeping with values of Christ.

Workshop 2

When: Wednesday 16 October 7.00pm

Where: St Peter’s Cathedral St Peter’s Cathedral, 27 King William Rd, North Adelaide SA

Beyond Eden: A Conversation between Science and Indigenous Worldview towards Repairing Christianity’s Relationship with Creation

This presentation provides a historical roadmap for reconciliation with Indigenous peoples and with creation by encouraging Christianity to name and claim the emerging science concerning the physical nature of the cosmos as a spiritual and sacred story of kinship.

Informal lunch 

When: Thursday 17 October 12 noon

Where: St Barnabas College, 18 King William Rd, North Adelaide.

Informal Lunch with Rachel and Nigel Taber-Hamilton (Please bring your own lunch)

Rachel will be preacher at all the services at the Cathedral on Sunday 20 October:

  • 8:00am BCP Eucharist,
  • 10.30am Choral Eucharist, and
  • 6.00pm Choral Evensong.

Rachel and her husband, Nigel, will also spend time with the students at St Barnabas College.

Download:  pdf A4 Theologian in Residence 2024 flyer (1.38 MB)  to share with your networks.

Contact the Cathedral Office for more details:

Telephone  (08) 8267 4551
