How We Work

The NCCA gathers together Churches and Christian communities which confess the Lord Jesus Christ as God and Saviour according to the Scriptures. We commit to deepen our relationship with each other and to work together towards the fulfilment of common witness, proclamation and service, to the glory of the one God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Show integrity in Public Office – action

On 7 September, Quakers Australia held for the third time the action “Show integrity in Public Office” at Parliament House in Canberra.

They stood on the road, waving ‘good morning’, as the parliamentarians passed by in their cars, and received many reciprocal salutations back.

The Attorney General, Mark Dreyfus rode by on his bicycle and greeted the group. Monique Ryan, Teal from Melbourne and David Crowe, chief political correspondent SMH and The Age walked by and received information handouts from the peaceful protesters.

Watch the video from the action:


pdf Integrity Flyer Sept23 word (197 KB)

Please forward this information to those who also support greater integrity in public office.

Pictured far right, Wies Schuiringa and other Quakers held banners saying “Show Integrity in Public Office”. Not raining this time!

MEDIA RELEASE 4 September 2023

Topic: “Integrity in Public Office” action at the Australian Parliament House, the Canberra Foundation Stone on Thursday 7 September 2023 at 9.00 am.

The “Integrity in Public Office” action by Quakers in Australia calls on the federal government to be determined to continue to work for integrity in public office. This is the third time that Quakers, the Religious Society of Friends are holding this action, the previous actions were in August 2022 and February 2023.

We are encouraged by the establishment of the National Anti-Corruption Commission. We strongly support further action that will increase integrity in public office and in democratic processes such as the current Bills before Parliament that call for increased whistle blower protection, restrictions in and transparency of donations to political parties, revolving door appointments, Freedom of Information processes.

“This project and the action today developed in the second half of 2021 in response to several problems with integrity in public office in the federal parliament” said Wies Schuiringa, one of the instigators of the action. “A lack of integrity in public office causes disrespect, distrust and cynicism in the processes of public office, encourages a further lack of integrity and derails governing for the common good”.

The Religious Society of Friends, Quakers has a Concern for integrity and respectfully speaking truth to power. This Concern began at the formation of the Religious Society of Friends, Quakers in England in 1652.

For Quakers, integrity is outwards, in our personal, societal behaviour, as well as inwards, in spiritual practice. We collectively discern what we are called by God or Spirit to do at this time regarding integrity, peace, equality, fairness, unity, care of people and of the earth.

This project supports organisations and people who also work for greater integrity in public office. This action is independent of political parties and of independent parliamentarians.

For further information: 

Wies Schuiringa 0439 024 397

Visit Quakers Australia website – integrity in public office project

Twitter: @IntegrityAust
