“For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them.” Matthew 18:20
These few words from Jesus mean a lot to us as a promise and assurance. We are reminded that Christ is with us, particularly when we are with other people of faith. The description of ‘2 or more gathered in my name’ points us to the importance of community, and the surety that when we are together, we are not alone. This is a foundational affirmation for the Christian community.
Over the coming weeks as we move through Advent and prepare for and celebrate Christmas, we will have many gatherings. Some will be worship, others – smaller groups of people and larger community events. Now, not everyone will gather ‘in my name’ some of those who gather will come for the cultural Christmas events. At the same time many will also be present ‘in my name’.
Jesus says that ‘I am there among you’. These words lead me to ask a question – of myself! How sensitive am I to Jesus being present? What are the signs of the presence of Jesus?
The Beatitudes are a wonderful picture of the signs of the presence of Jesus. A hymn writer, Brian Reyes, offers the following:
The kingdom of God is justice and joy; mercy and grace; challenge and choice and the gift and the goal;
Jesus is among us – in justice, joy, mercy, grace, challenge, commitment, gift and goal. When we see such signs made real in our midst Jesus is with us.
My invitation to us all is to be sensitive to theses indicators (and others) and when we see them to affirm, Jesus is present and to give thanks for this promise being real.
Rev John Gilmore
NCCA President