How We Work

The NCCA gathers together Churches and Christian communities which confess the Lord Jesus Christ as God and Saviour according to the Scriptures. We commit to deepen our relationship with each other and to work together towards the fulfilment of common witness, proclamation and service, to the glory of the one God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

NCCA General Secretary, Ms Liz Stone, attended the National Council of Churches in India (NCCI) XXIX General Assembly in Hyderabad, 21-24 April 2023 as a Fraternal Delegate.

In her greetings to the member Churches gathered at the NCCI General Assembly, Ms Stone noted that the Mar Thoma Syrian Church and the Malankara Indian Orthodox Church were members of the Australian National Council of Churches. She also greeted the Church of South India and Malankara Syrian Orthodox Church that have congregations across Australia.

Ms Stone also spoke with Chaldean (Assyrian) Church of the East; Lutheran Church and Salvation Army delegates that have sister churches in Australia that are members of NCCA.

Rev Asir Ebenezer, NCCI General Secretary, reflected on the theme of the 29th General Assembly ‘The HOUR has come: Let us get Going …’ (Mark 14:41,42). “In our discernment of the HOUR and in galvanising our faith and commitment towards the life and mission of Jesus the Christ, let us embrace the cross and cross over to the resurrection event in our faith” in action.

“We continue to envision just inclusive communities enabling ‘the full realization of the human potential individually and collectively, and live together in harmony, justice and peace”, Rev Asir said.

The first Theological Reflection session brought together faith leaders from the Henry Martyn Institute in Hyderabad, a related agency of NCCI and the venue and host for the General Assembly. Leaders and educators from Buddhist, Sikh, Hindu, Muslim traditions reflected on interfaith relations with Christian Churches from their scriptures.

Thematic workshops related to the work of NCCI facilitating and accompanying the churches through joint action for the next quadrennium (2023-27): Gender and Sexual Diversity Inclusion; Disability Inclusion; Living out Faiths and Beliefs together in interfaith activities; Gender and Social Inclusion; Climate change and Sustainable living; Enhancing the potential of Churches’ healing ministry in India.

“Two groups were active participants in the Assembly and this gave it a generative edge” said Ms Liz Stone on return from Hyderabad. “A group of children from across five churches and three cities had attended a pre-assembly meeting. They were keen to be full participants in Church life and ministries, even to joining parish councils. Their enthusiasm was infectious.”

The other group were young adults, students and professionals in their 20s and 30s, who were keen to talk. Their peers are not engaged in Church and Churches are struggling to engage with them.

Ms Stone commented that, “These issues are similar to what we are facing in Australia and the young adults in India are keen to hear about how this is being addressed by the mainstream churches of NCCA.”

Also attending, from World Council of Churches, were Rev Jerry Pillay, General Secretary; Ms Joy Eva Bohol, WCC programme executive for Youth Engagement; and Mr Dinesh Suna, coordinator of the WCC Ecumenical Water Network and a former NCCI staffer.

WCC general secretary keynote address to the 29th General Assembly of the National Council of Churches in India | World Council of Churches (


About NCCI

NCCI is an ecumenical community comprising about 14 million members from 30 Protetant and Orthodox Churches, 17 Regional Councils, and 25 other church related and ecumenical bodies rooted in the gospel as revealed in the person, life and work of Jesus Christ.


Photo Gallery

Liz Stone with Dr Sarosh Koshy, Global Ministries, Global Relations Minister, Southern Asia

Liz Stone, NCCA General Secretary with NCCI President, Mrs Aleyamma (Leena) Thomas (Marthoma Syrian Church)

Rev Jerry Pillay, General Secretary, World Council of Churches

workshop on Gender and Social Inclusion, NCCI