The Christmas Bowl
74 years after it first began, the Christmas Bowl continues to be a transformative ecumenical appeal, and your thoughts, prayers and practical care could not be more vital today.
This Christmas, please give hope through the Christmas Bowl.
You may be familiar with the story of the first Christmas Bowl: Back in 1949 after WWII, Reverend Frank Byatt looked at his own Christmas dinner table and thought of the millions of refugees still facing starvation in war-ravaged Europe.
In that moment Frank felt compelled to act – to help our brothers and sisters in urgent need, especially on this one great day of sharing. So, he placed a Bowl of Remembrance on his table, and asked his family and friends to put a small gift in it, to share what they had with those who were facing hunger and deprivation in other lands.

*Name changed for safety reasons
For 74 years, the Christmas Bowl has brought together caring people with dedicated local partners around the world, to respond to the most urgent humanitarian needs of our time.
Today, Frank’s call to share what we have with others feels as relevant as it did back in 1949. Right now, there are more people forcibly displaced by conflict and disaster worldwide than ever recorded – a staggering 114 million.
With a gift to the Christmas Bowl this year, you can stand alongside Act for Peace’s local partners and people who have been torn apart by conflict and disaster. You can offer them hope, dignity, and help ensure that they are not forgotten.
Your thoughts, prayers and practical care through the Christmas Bowl could not be more vital.
I hope you can join me in continuing Reverend Frank Byatt’s legacy with a generous gift today.
Please give:Â
The Christmas Bowl is the Christmas appeal of Act for Peace, the international aid agency of the NCCA.
Gaza Update
30 November 2023
Act for Peace have received an update from their partner the Near East Council of Churches (NECC) and the Department of Service to Palestinian Refugees (DSPR) in Gaza on the current situation since the ceasefire.

Despite unimaginable circumstances the NECC and DSPR team has been working on ways to provide urgent relief to people in Gaza. Hygiene kits, health services and cash distribution will be delivered to the most vulnerable people to help with urgent basic needs such as food, water, winter clothing, and medicine.
Thank you for your continued support.
It is so important. You can still give here
Act for Peace Facebook post
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- #UnbreakableSpirit
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Please keep Act for Peace’s partners and the people of Gaza in your prayers and give a gift today to help support families in urgent need.