How We Work

The NCCA gathers together Churches and Christian communities which confess the Lord Jesus Christ as God and Saviour according to the Scriptures. We commit to deepen our relationship with each other and to work together towards the fulfilment of common witness, proclamation and service, to the glory of the one God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

The gift of a farmer’s starter kit contains everything farmers, like Clemence and his wife (pictured) needs to start planting and producing their own food. Each kit contains a variety of small grain seed packs containing sorghum and millet which are nutritious and a good source of protein and fibre. Along with the seeds, a farmer will also receive all the training and knowledge they need to turn these seeds into a sustainable source of food.
Photo Credit: Richard Wainwright/Act for Peace

Gifts for Peace

Give a meaningful gift this Christmas

With Christmas just around the corner, and the holiday hustle well upon us, Act for Peace is helping to make your gift-giving choices easier this year, through their annual Gifts for Peace Catalogue.

A Gift for Peace is not only one of the easiest gifts you can give this season, it’s also one the most meaningful.

There is something for everyone in this year’s gift catalogue. You can gift a beehive to a farmer in Zimbabwe, provide a stationery kit to a student in Afghanistan or offer spectacles to students and elders in India.

Every gift comes with a card for you to write a message on and a keepsake: a fridge magnet to remind your loved ones of the hope and joy they’ve helped spread this Christmas.

But most importantly, every gift in this year’s catalogue is helping to back communities who are at risk of, or who have been forcibly displaced due to conflict or disaster.

Sound like a great way to give? You’ll be happy to know that ordering is easy!

You can view the full range of meaningful gifts here, and select something special for everyone on your list.

Order Now: 

For physical cards, please order by 8 December to give Act for Peace the best chance of getting your card to you before Christmas.

Christmas Bowl

It’s not too late to sign up for the 2023 Christmas Bowl

There is still time to sign up your church community for the 2023 Christmas Bowl. It would be wonderful if your congregation could be a part of this important tradition of Christians across Australia coming together on the one great day of sharing to support people uprooted by conflict and disaster around the world.

Since 1949, thousands of churches across Australia have been come together each Christmas to share God’s love with refugees and people who have been displaced due to conflict and disaster around the world.

Christmas Bowl celebrations at Normanhurst Uniting Church Christmas Bowl. Photo credit: © Ben Littlejohn/Act for Peace

The first Christmas Bowl began 74 years ago when millions of refugees were starving in war-ravaged countries, unable to return home or struggling to establish a life in a new and unfamiliar place. Rev Frank Byatt, a young minister in country Victoria, looked at his heavily laden Christmas table and recognised the stark contrast between this abundance and the needs of others around the world.  And he knew he had to do something.

So he called on his congregation to “get a bowl to put on your Christmas dinner table as a Bowl of Remembrance and see if you can get everybody round the table to make a generous gift so that you can share your good dinner with hungry children in other lands.”

If you are interested in registering your church using the link below, and we’ll send you everything you need to run the Christmas Bowl in your Church. Or if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to get in touch with the team on 1800 025 101.

Sign up today:


The Christmas Bowl is the Christmas appeal of Act for Peace, the international aid agency of the NCCA.