Migration (‘Deportation’) Bill
ACRT report | 5 April 2024
The Australian Churches Refugee Taskforce (ACRT) has been meeting regularly this month since the government’s recent introduction of the Migration Amendment (Removals and Other Measures) Bill 2024 (the Bill), on 26 March 2024.
There have been concerns from various refugee advocates, organisations, and churches on the impact this Bill will have on asylum seekers and any future visa applicants, if it becomes law.
The ACRT has prepared a submission to raise concerns and oppose the Bill before it becomes law.
It is essential that we raise our concerns and defend the rights of individuals. By making submissions opposing the Bill, the Committee for the Senate inquiry can reference submissions in their report and may lead to a public hearing, giving individuals the opportunity to be witnesses and provide information at the hearing.
There is a Senate inquiry inviting submissions from individuals and organisations, submissions close Friday 12 April 2024. More information about this inquiry and how to upload your submission can be found on the Parliament of Australia website here: Migration Amendment (Removals and Other Measures) Bill 2024 – Parliament of Australia (aph.gov.au)
The ACRT has also prepared a briefing resource, providing a guide for churches in Australia that wish to make submissions opposing the Bill.
The ACRT resource is accessible here:Â Â ACRT Resource on the Migration (Deportation) Bill 2024 (308 KB)
Individuals and organisations also have the option to write directly to their Senators in their state. You can find Senators contact details here: Senators and Members – Parliament of Australia (aph.gov.au)
Peak refugee and asylum seeker bodies and human rights organisations in Australia have been providing ongoing information and guidance to communities that wish to learn more about this Bill and guidance on preparing their submission to the Senate inquiry. Links to this information is available on the ACRT resource.
The ACRT will continue to advocate for the rights and freedoms of refugees and asylum seekers in Australia.
If you have any questions, please contact the ACRT via email at refugeetaskforce@ncca.org.au
Australian Churches Refugee Taskforce (ACRT) is an activity of the National Council of Churches in Australia (NCCA).
We believe our faith calls us to welcome the stranger and care for the people who find themselves displaced, marginalised or homeless, and those in need of protection. We want to see a compassionate and generous response to welcoming refugees into Australia.
Consider ‘following’ us on  Facebook for regular updates and news.