How We Work

The NCCA gathers together Churches and Christian communities which confess the Lord Jesus Christ as God and Saviour according to the Scriptures. We commit to deepen our relationship with each other and to work together towards the fulfilment of common witness, proclamation and service, to the glory of the one God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Articles By This Author

Care of Creation

Australian Churches and creation care
The NCCA’s Faith and Unity Commission are pleased to share their document Churches in Australia and the Care of Creation.
“As the churches have reflected together on the climate crisis, we have recognised that we do speak with one voice.”

Our Churches

Catholic Church in Australia
Ecumenical Prayer Vigil
In solidarity with a major international gathering in Rome ahead of the first session of the Synod on Synodality, Catholic communities around the world have been invited by Pope Francis to host an ecumenical prayer vigil on the weekend of 30 September – 1 October 2023.

Online discussion

Hearing back from WCC Central Committee  
Join in a conversation with Australians who attended the World Council of Churches Central Committee meeting held in Geneva in June 2023.
When: Monday 7 August 2023 at 7:30 pm AEST (7:00pm ACST and 5.30 pm AWST) 

Christian Conference of Asia

CCA releases Assembly Theme Study Document
‘God, Renew Us in Your Spirit and Restore the Creation’  
The Study Document is an essential resource for not only the participants of the 15th CCA General Assembly but for all Christians across Asia.

Ecumenical positions open

NSW Ecumenical Council
General Secretary and Admin Assistant
The NSW Ecumenical Council Executive invite applications and expressions of interest for these two part-time positions within the Council.

Hiroshima Day 2023

6 August 2023
Events and prayer resources
On 6 August, 1945 at 8.15 am the world’s first nuclear attack was realised. The world had entered the atomic age.
We remember this and also the similar attack three days later on Nagasaki and pray for this nuclear tragedy never to be repeated.

President’s reflection

Genesis 1: 27
So God created humans in his image,
    in the image of God he created them;
    male and female he created them.

Australian Ecumenical Officers meet in Sydney

NCCA Sydney office on 19-20 July 2023
Meeting together offers a space to share, reflect and pray together on the hopes, struggles, ideas and challenges, of ecumenism across Australia.

Act for Peace

Ration Challengers raise more than $700,000 together, to help people who have been forcibly displaced from their homes.  

Australian Churches Refugee Taskforce

Lives in limbo 
10 years of Offshore Processing
The Australian Churches Refugee Taskforce (ACRT) is one of many groups that are marking this week’s ‘bitter’ 10th anniversary of the Regional Resettlement Arrangement between the Australian and Papua New Guinea (PNG) governments with an appeal to end the misery and cruelty of offshore processing.

Safe Church Program

Developing a Child Safe Risk Management Plan Webinar Series The NSW Office of the Children’s Guardian presents five, 1 hour

First Nations

National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children’s Day
4 August 2023
Theme: Little Voices, Loud Futures 
#LittleVoices  #LoudFutures  – Resources are available from the SNAICC Children’s Day website 

Recognition and Voice

An Afternoon With Noel Pearson
Statement from the Heart: Recognition and Voice in Constitution 
When: Monday 31 July 2023 3:00 pm – 4:30 pm AEST
Where: Online

Online discussion

Hearing back from WCC Central Committee  
Join in a conversation with Australians who attended the World Council of Churches Central Committee meeting held in Geneva in June 2023.
When: Monday 7 August 2023 at 7:30 pm AEST (7:00pm ACST and 5.30 pm AWST) 

Writer’s Award

The Good Oil 2023 Writers’ Award 
Entries are now open for emerging and published writers.
Theme: Finding My Voice
Entries close: 5:00 pm AEST on Friday 18 August 2023.Â