How We Work

The NCCA gathers together Churches and Christian communities which confess the Lord Jesus Christ as God and Saviour according to the Scriptures. We commit to deepen our relationship with each other and to work together towards the fulfilment of common witness, proclamation and service, to the glory of the one God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Articles By This Author

President’s reflection

I have come so that they may have life, and have it more abundantly
(John 10:10)
When Jesus says ‘that they may have life…’ the words are directed beyond himself towards others….

King’s Birthday Honours 2023

Service to refugees and asylum seekers.
In the recent King’s Birthday honours many people were recognised for their contribution to religious organisations and services.
The NCCA congratulates all of them, with a very special mention to our friend, Reverend Mee Won Yang OAM, a valued member of the NCCA’s ACRT.

Act for Peace

Zimbabwe is facing a huge crisis.
A home is more than a house. It’s a place where we feel safe and secure. 
Our changing climate has meant that entire communities are at risk of being forced from their homes. 
You can help. 

Australian Churches Refugee Taskforce

‘Finding Freedom – Through Education’
ONLINE WEBINAR: Overcoming barriers to higher education for refugees and people seeking asylum
When: Monday 19 June 2023
Time: 7:00-8:00 pm AEST

Our Churches

Coptic Orthodox Church
Christians wounded amid military fighting in Sudan
Speaking to NCCA’s National Church Leaders at a meeting in Sydney on Wednesday 14 June 2023, Bishop Daniel of the Coptic Orthodox Diocese of Sydney and Affiliated Regions asked for prayers and advocacy for the people of Sudan affected by the current military fighting in Sudan.

Christian Conference of Asia

New date confirmed
Asia Sunday 17 September 2023
Theme: ‘God, Renew Us in Your Spirit and Restore the Creation’

Funding applications welcomed

Australian Research Theology Foundation Inc. (ARTFinc)
Funding applications for religious and educational projects within Australia are welcomed for projects in the Church in 2023-24. Themes can range from academic theology to Christian education at the grassroots.
Applications close: 30 June 2023 

NAIDOC Week 2023

Join in
NAIDOC Week celebrations will be held from 2-9 July 2023
2023 Theme: ‘For our Elders’  

Come Together For Yes

Towards recognition, towards a voice 
Start-off this NAIDOC week by coming together for Yes!
When: Sunday, 2 July 2023
Where: Events are being held nationwide.

Interfaith Events

Religions for Peace Australia
Annual General Meeting 2023
Sunday 18 June 7.00 – 9:00 pm AEST (6:30 SA/NT, 5:00 pm WA)
Theo Notaras Multicultural Centre, Canberra CBD & via Zoom.
Annual Discussion Day
Monday 19 June 2023  – 10:00 am – 4:00 pm aest (9.30am SA/NT, 8am WA)
Theo Notaras Multicultural Centre, Canberra CBD

Multicultural Scholarship

The Carla Zampatti Scholarship for Young Women
The Scholarship supports young women from new and emerging culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds to achieve their aspirations and goals in life. 

July Calendar 2023

1 The Coming of the Light
2 NAIDOC Week begins
13  Ashala Puja / Dharma Day (Buddhism) 
19 Hijrah (Islam)
30 World Day against Trafficking in Persons 

Praying for our community

June 2023
Pray for all affected in the Hunter Valley wedding bus crash.
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”
Matthew 11:28

Churches on a Voice to Parliament

The NCCA, its member and observer churches, have produced material that gives strength to the voice of our First Peoples, through support of the Uluru Statement from the Heart and Voice to Parliament.

President’s reflection

“That You May Have Fullness of Life”

(cf John 10:10)