How We Work
The NCCA gathers together Churches and Christian communities which confess the Lord Jesus Christ as God and Saviour according to the Scriptures. We commit to deepen our relationship with each other and to work together towards the fulfilment of common witness, proclamation and service, to the glory of the one God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Articles By This Author

Rev Ronald Michael O’Grady
- By Mark Wei
- . 18 March 2014
The National Council of Churches in Australia along with the Christian Conference of Asia (CCA) notes with regret the death of Rev. Ron O’Grady on 25 February 2014, at the age of 83 after a battle with cancer.
The Faith and Unity Commissioners
- By Mark Wei
- . 25 July 2013
The Commissioners were appointed by the member churches and have shared their scholarship and wisdom with grace. The NCCA is

Archbishop Aghan Baliozian OAM
- By Mark Wei
- . 17 October 2012
His Eminence Archbishop Aghan Baliozian OAM, Primate of the Diocese of the Armenian Church of Australia and New Zealand died on Saturday 22 September 2012 in Sydney.

Michael Alban Brown
- By Mark Wei
- . 17 October 2012
Michael grew up in Canberra, after leaving school he studied Political Science/History and later Political Science at ANU.

Rev Dr John Garrett
- By Mark Wei
- . 5 May 2011
The NCCA notes with sadness the death of Rev Dr John Garrett on 29 April 2011 aged 90 years. John

Dr Reg Walker
- By Mark Wei
- . 31 October 2010
Reg was a devoted ecumenist. For many years he gave of his time to the National Council of Churches in Australia as the chairperson of the Ronald Wilson Ecumenical Leadership Fund (RWELF).

Major Brian Holley
- By Mark Wei
- . 22 May 2010
On Saturday, 22 May 2010, Brian Holley was promoted to glory.
It is with great joy that we remember Brian’s contribution to his Church and to the ecumenical movement.

Rev Peter John Holden
- By Mark Wei
- . 20 May 2010
The NCCA thanks God for the life of the Reverend Peter John Holden. Peter and his family served the Methodist and the Uniting Church in Australia, as well as fulfilling significant service in many parts of the Church overseas.

Professor Louis Charles Birch
- By Mark Wei
- . 19 December 2009
Louis Charles Birch (8 February 1918 – 19 December 2009) died in Sydney, NSW, Australia on December 19 after a short illness.
Issues and Documents
- By Mark Wei
- . 24 November 2009
The NCCA Faith & Unity Commission is currently working on a number of key issues and documents related to both
UCA Mission Prayer Handbook
- By Mark Wei
- . 21 August 2009
God of Many Names
L God of a thousand names,
You come to us in many forms – manna to the hungry
R water to the parched

We Pray for Peace
- By Mark Wei
- . 21 August 2009
Nameless God of all people,
We pray for peace.
We acknowledge our anger, and yours.
Canticle of the Sun
- By Mark Wei
- . 12 August 2009
Most high, all-powerful, all good, Lord!
All praise is yours, all glory, all honor
And all blessing.
To you alone, Most High, do they belong.
No mortal lips are worthy
To pronounce your name.