General Secretary position
The Christian Conference of Asia (CCA) extends an invitation to the Heads of CCA Member Churches and National Christian Councils/ Council of Churches (NCCs) for Nominations/Applications for the position of CCA General Secretary.
This senior position is open to men and women, lay or ordained.
Applications close: 2 June 2025 inclusive of all required documents proving credentials.
About the position
The position of CCA General Secretary is of the greatest importance and requires a person with the highest standards of efficiency, competence, and integrity, as well as a firm commitment to the purposes and principles of the Church and the ecumenical movement.
The position is open to men and women, lay or ordained. This is a senior position, involving international ecumenical leadership in the Asian ecumenical movement. The General Secretary is based at the headquarters of CCA in Chiang Mai, Thailand.
The ideal candidate:
- should possess a deep understanding of the diverse Christian traditions, ecumenical theological insights, socio-economic and political contexts, and the ability to demonstrate visionary leadership in Asia and the international arena.
- must have the ability to engage effectively with various stakeholders in both ecclesial and ecumenical constituencies as well as with multilateral stakeholders including governments.
The Search Committee:
- constituted as per the stipulations in the Constitution of CCA is mandated with the task of selecting, shortlisting, interviewing, and recommending suitable candidates for final voting and election by the Executive Committee.
- encourages CCA member churches and councils to nominate suitable candidates and send their nominations/ applications to the Convenor of the Search Committee with appropriate endorsements and recommendations.
The deadline for submitting completed applications, along with all required documents proving credentials, is 2 June 2025.
Contact: Dr. Anna Alisha Mathew Simon
Address: No. 21, Lorong Samarinda 20B, Taman Mesra Indah, 41000 Klang, Selangor Dahrul Ehsan, Malaysia.
WhatsApp/ Tel: +60-176382993.
Nomination guidelines and eligibility criteria for the position, including details of the position and other terms and conditions, are included in the Call for Nominations letter below.
Download: CCA General Secretary – Call for Nominations/Applications
The shortlisted candidates will be invited to attend an in-person interview, and the final election process will be completed towards the end of July 2025.
The incoming General Secretary is expected to spend a few months in office with the current General Secretary before officially assuming the position on 15 January 2026.
Any additional information needed can be obtained from the Convenor of the Search Committee:
CCA invites applications for Asian Ecumenical Institute – 2025
Prospective students are invited to apply for the month-long training programme, the Asian Ecumenical Institute (AEI) – 2025, scheduled to be held from 3 to 30 August 2025 at the Payap University campus in Chiang Mai, Thailand.
The Asian Ecumenical Institute is a residential ecumenical formation and leadership development programme organised annually by the CCA for prospective ecumenical and church leaders from various Asian countries.
AEI – 2025 theme: “Enduring Faith and Embracing Unity towards Ecumenical Witness”
As we commemorate the 1700th anniversary of the Council of Nicaea, a significant moment in Christian history, the theme of AEI – 2025 aims to anchor our faith in the Triune God in this challenging epoch, and to cultivate a spirit of unity that transcends theological differences and cultural diversities. It will also address contemporary challenges within the Christian faith, the ecumenical movement, and the interreligious context.
In addition to various sessions focusing on the main theme, AEI – 2025 will emphasise the importance of strengthening ecumenical collaboration, particularly in Asia’s dynamic and multifaceted context, where Christianity exists alongside diverse religious and cultural traditions, offering in-depth analyses and insights relevant to ecumenism, upholding the core tenets of the Christian faith, and fostering a spirit of harmonious unity.
Admissions will be limited to twenty-four (24) participants, selected from among applicants between the ages of 24 and 35 who are recommended and endorsed by CCA’s member church/council or an ecumenical organisation/institution.
Selections will be based on an assessment of the candidate’s commitment to the church and the ecumenical movement in their local and national contexts, gender, confessional balances, national and sub-regional representation, and the ability to communicate in English.
All applications will be accepted online via Google Form: AEI-2025 Application Form.
Completed applications for AEI – 2025 should be submitted to CCA no later than 15 May 2025.
For more details and background information about AEI – 2025, please click here.