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Interfaith Relations

The Australian National Dialogue of Christians, Muslims and Jews

The NCCA is a founding partner in this dialogue on behalf of member churches. Our dialogue partners are:

The Dialogue was officially 'launched' in March 2003 after 12 months of formal preparation, which was preceded by informal contact and discussions between the NCCA, AFIC, & ECAJ.

Australian Partnership of Religious Organisations

APRO is a peak body established in 2003 to help build interfaith harmony and understanding in Australia.

Among its member organisations are the peak bodies for Australian Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, Sikhs and Baha’is.

APRO is unique in that it comprises representatives of major religious bodies as well as national-level multicultural and interfaith community organisations and academics with expertise in inter-faith and intercultural relations.

Peace, Justice, Healing

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