Resources and Prayers
May is recognised as National Domestic Violence Prevention Month, highlighting the impact of domestic and family violence in Australia.
Alarmingly, in Australia, one in three women experience physical violence in their lifetime. One in six Australian women face physical or sexual violence, and one in four experience emotional abuse from an intimate partner.
Many of our member churches and Christian communities have made available their resources and prayers. Below are just a few.
Common Grace
Join in prayer
“You bring light into darkness, and darkness cannot overcome the light of your love… Pour out your love into the hearts of those who continue to suffer…”
Prayer for domestic and family violence survivors
More resources from Common Grace
‘Renew: An Australian Guide for Christian Women Survivors of Domestic Abuse.’ – Support for women experiencing abuse: ‘Renew’ Book
You can order your copy today from Anglicare for only $15.
SAFER Resource for your church
SAFER is a brand new online resource produced to help churches support and prioritise victims of domestic and family violence, and know how to deal with perpetrators.
Visit Common Grace’s Domestic Violence webpage for more resources.
Uniting Church in Australia Assembly
Join in prayer
O God, helper of the afflicted,
hear our cries for all those
who are enduring violence in their homes.
Sustain them as they seek help and guidance….
OUT OF THE SILENCE – Reflections on Gender Based Violence
A new, weekly series on gender-based violence Reflections from the UCA Assembly.
In the first reflection, President Rev Sharon Hollis writes about the kind of Christian communities we ought to build to prevent and end violence and abuse.
General church resources
Anglican Diocese of Melbourne
Preventing violence against women program | Responding to violence against women
Catholic Diocese of Broken Bay
A Catholic Response to Domestic Violence
Queensland Churches Together
Domestic Family Violence Resources | Resources produced by Queensland Churches Together
The Salvation Army Australia
Family and Domestic Violence | Learn more about domestic violence
Related reading
The latest issue of Current Dialogue, the journal of the World Council of Churches (WCC) on interreligious dialogue and cooperation, takes as its theme “Gender Justice and Interreligious Relations.”
Read: Latest issue of WCC interreligious journal focuses on gender justice