Listening to other voices in ecumenical work
The NCCA’s Faith and Unity Commission met 26-27 April 2023 at St Athanasius Coptic Orthodox Theological College – Melbourne City Campus.
At the Commission’s two meetings in 2023, there will be a focus on scanning the ‘signs of the times’ to hear from those involved in a variety of ecumenical endeavours promoting Christian Unity.
Acknowledgement of Service and Vote of Thanks
At the start of the meeting, Commission Chair Rev Fr Gerard Kelly DD noted the resignation from the Commission of long-serving member, Dr Philip Kariatlis Sub-Dean and Associate Professor in Theology at St Andrew’s Greek Orthodox Theological College, Sydney.
Dr Birute Arendarcikas RSM, lecturer at the Catholic Theological College and Head of Department of Systematic Theology has also resigned from the Commission.
Their contributions were greatly valued in Commission meetings and NCCA thanks them for their voluntary service.
Hearing other voices in ecumenical work

1. Assisting churches to respond to the WCC and Faith and Order Work
Sessional Guest to talk about his participation in the World Council of Churches’ Faith and Order Work over the past 10 years was Dr David Kirchhoffer (picture right top), Australian Catholic University, based in Brisbane, who was a major contributor to the 2021 Faith and Order Paper 235, Churches and Moral Discernment

2. International Bilateral Dialogues
Sessional Guest was Dr Mary Coloe pbvm (picture right centre), Professor Emerita of New Testament, University of Divinity who spoke of her participation in the “Disciples of Christ/Churches of Christ–Roman Catholic International Dialogue” and particularly in the development of the 2020 document ‘Do This in Memory of Me: Christians Formed and Transformed by the Eucharist.’
Rev Dr Merryl Blair of Stirling College, University of Divinity and Churches of Christ of Australia was another Australian involved in this international dialogue but was unable to attend the session with Sr Mary.
Dialogue documents are available here:

3. Pentecostalism and the Ecumenical Movement
Sessional Guest was Dr Jacqui Grey (pictured right bottom), Professor of Biblical Studies and lecturer in Pentecostal hermeneutics at Alphacrucis University College in Sydney.
Professor Jacqui Grey shared with Commissioners her input to the thematic plenary at the 11th General Assembly of the World Council of Churches, Karlsruhe in September 2022 on Christian Unity and Common Witness. Speaking for the Pentecostal World Fellowship, Professor Grey shared her reflections on new horizons for mission of the Church with respect to a young grassroots movement of many churches with its strength in the global south.
Professor Grey felt that there were opportunities but there was a need to build relational trust to overcome histories of mutual distrust and suspicion. The question of voice was a major obstacle as many of the independent Pentecostal churches do not want ecumenical groups to speak on their behalf.
The WCC plenary session in September 2022 with Professor Jacqui Grey’s participation, together with the Archbishop of Canterbury can be accessed here: Plenary Challenges WCC