How We Work

The NCCA gathers together Churches and Christian communities which confess the Lord Jesus Christ as God and Saviour according to the Scriptures. We commit to deepen our relationship with each other and to work together towards the fulfilment of common witness, proclamation and service, to the glory of the one God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Joint Open Letter to Federal Parliamentarians on the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice referendum

Released:  8:00 am, Wednesday 22 February 2023

This morning, Leader’s of Australia’s major religious and ethno-religious organisations have called upon all Federal parliamentarians to support a First Nations’ voice to parliament, called for through the 2017 Uluru Statement from the Heart.

The open letter states: “We call on parliamentarians to find ways to collaborate constructively across political divides to achieve the modest constitutional recognition First Nations people seek: a constitutionally guaranteed Voice in their own affairs.”

The letter continues: “The Voice is an invitation to move towards national healing, unity and reconciliation….This is an opportunity to unite Australians around a proposal that seeks to make life better for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.”

Reverend John Gilmore, President of National Council of Churches in Australia (NCCA) is a joint signatory to the Open Letter, along with representatives from, the Anglican Church of Australia, Australian Catholic Bishops Conference, Australian National Imams Council, Australian Sangha Association, Executive Council of Australian Jewry, Hindu Council of Australia, National Sikh Council of Australia and The Uniting Church in Australia Assembly

Commenting on the joint letter, Indigenous film-maker Rachel Perkins, who launched the joint resolution last year, said “This is an alliance of great spiritual power, speaking persuasively to political power, and asking politicians to co-operate across political divides to achieve Indigenous recognition, for the good of my people and the country as a whole.”

For media inquiries please contact:

Rev John Gilmore, President of National Council of Churches in Australia (NCCA)

Mobile: 0413 754 874


Download the open letter:​  Faith leaders Joint Letter FINAL (248 KB)

Download the Media Release:  Faith Leaders Joint Open Letter 22 Feb 2023 (003) (104 KB)


Above: NCCA General Secretary, Liz Stone (front right) with Leaders of Australia’s major religious and ethno-religious organisations after signing the Joint Resolution of support for the Statement from the Heart, 27 May 2022.