How We Work

The NCCA gathers together Churches and Christian communities which confess the Lord Jesus Christ as God and Saviour according to the Scriptures. We commit to deepen our relationship with each other and to work together towards the fulfilment of common witness, proclamation and service, to the glory of the one God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Faith, Hope and Love

Churches together creating a future free from violence

The Families and Culture Commission of the Anglican Church of Australia, in partnership with Common Grace, invite registrations from all church and Christian communities.

Come together to talk about how our churches can better prevent violence against women and minister hope to those impacted by violence.

When: 2-3 September 2024

Where: St. Jude’s Anglican Church, 2 Keppel St., Carlton, MELBOURNE VIC

Register: online at Humanitix – Faith Hope & Love

Keynote Speakers

  • Patty Kinnersley – CEO of National DV Prevention organisation, Our Watch. – ‘Hopeful frontiers in the work of preventing violence against women’
  • Dr Michael Flood– Professor in the School of Justice at QUT. – What we know about perpetration and its implications for prevention.’
  • Dr Leisa Aitken – clinical psychologist whose recent PhD investigated theories of hope across the domains of psychology, philosophy and theology. – ‘What difference does Hope make? Psychology and theology in conversation.’
  • Gershon Nimbalker – National Director, Common Grace. – ‘Engaging with Hope and Grace: How churches can be community advocates in the prevention of violence against women.’ 
  • Man-Box Team, Jesuit Social Services – ‘Hope and the Man Box: what we are learning about men, masculinities and prevention of violence against women.’ 

Visit the conference website for more information

This conference is an initiative of The Anglican Church of Australia Families & Culture Commission


Can religion help prevent domestic violence? 

Domestic violence is a whole-of-society problem, but can faith communities help with the current crisis?

If you missed the ABC Radio National’s ‘God Forbid’ episode on religion and domestic violence you can still hear the broadcast online:

LISTEN NOW – Can religion help prevent domestic violence?