How We Work

The NCCA gathers together Churches and Christian communities which confess the Lord Jesus Christ as God and Saviour according to the Scriptures. We commit to deepen our relationship with each other and to work together towards the fulfilment of common witness, proclamation and service, to the glory of the one God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Music in support for the Voice referendum

Something a bit different for your resource toolbox.

Monica Brown – Emmaus Productions

You may or may not know Monica’s music ministry. She is one of our country’s well respected Catholic/Christian composers who has been ministering for over 40 years through the not-for-profit organization of Emmaus Productions.

Below are the resources for two special songs composed by Monica concerning some of the issues at the heart of the upcoming Referendum. The songs, One People One Land and Spirit Dream are known and loved by many indigenous and non-indigenous Australians across the nation.

Monica has waived all copyright restrictions of the songs by way of setting the songs free to contribute in some way to this critical national discernment.

One People One Land

Spirit Dream

If you believe the songs could be beneficial in discernment around the Referendum, we would be grateful if you would send them your member organisations and contacts.

You may even find the songs suitable to add to your resources page on your website feature on the referendum or some other place where people can access the songs.

If you would like to contact Emmaus Productions’ Australian Office to discuss further, please call Kim Baynie on 0419990038.

Anglican Church Southern Queensland (ACSQ)

A Song for The Voice

Peter Branjerdporn, ACSQ, has written a song (with the help of Michelle McDonald, ACSQ) to soften people’s hearts towards the First Nations Voice to parliament. He graciously offers this song in love and humility to every Australian.

Please feel free to share for people to use in sermons, presentations, conversations and workshops anywhere. It is unbranded and hosted on Peter’s own YouTube channel so that any group can use it.

Listen on YouTube: “Beneath The Southern Cross”- 

Press Release

Faith Leaders for The Voice

21 September 2023

Rev John Gilmore, President of National Council of Churches in Australia, and thirteen other attendees affirmed their support for a Yes vote in the upcoming referendum on Constitutional recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians through a Voice to Parliament.

Watch the video of the event: on YouTube—601gQ?si=SMJ8RMSJozVLi3Vl

Download:   2023 09 21 FAITH LEADERS FOR THE VOICE Press release (1.58 MB)


“The Voice”  Referendum will be held on Saturday 14 October 2023.