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Welcome to our resource page 

October 2023

Almighty and loving God, you who created ALL people in your image,

Lead us to seek your compassion as we listen to the stories of our past....

August 2023

Dear Lord

We invite all Australians to join us, their Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Brothers and Sisters in prayer.

Australian Churches speak out

The NCCA, its member and observer churches, have produced material that gives strength to the voice of our First Peoples, through support of the Uluru Statement from the Heart and Voice to Parliament.

Referendum 2023

A Voice to Parliament gives the Australian Government the opportunity to make policies with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, rather than for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

Reflections, studies and video conversations from our Churches and wider networks.

Supporting Sovereignty and the determination of First Nations Peoples for Voice, Treaty and Truth-Telling.

NAIDOC Week - celebrated each year on the first week of July. In NAIDOC Week we celebrate the spiritual and cultural connection of those who walked here first. 

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Sunday - celebrated each year on the first Sunday of NAIDOC Week 

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