How We Work

The NCCA gathers together Churches and Christian communities which confess the Lord Jesus Christ as God and Saviour according to the Scriptures. We commit to deepen our relationship with each other and to work together towards the fulfilment of common witness, proclamation and service, to the glory of the one God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

A property known as ‘Glenburnie’, Wooroloo, in Western Australia, was transferred to the Australian Council of Churches Association Ltd in 1976 as a gift from Laurie and Nancy Wilkinson. The property was sold in May 1987 and the proceeds allocated “to provide resources for the churches and the community on issues relating to a just, participatory and sustainable society”.

A constitution was prepared and adopted by the ACC General Meeting in June 1988. It was amended by the ACC Executive in April 1994 to take account of the impending transition to the NCCA.

The Just, Participatory, and Sustainable Society (JPSS) Vision

A Just Society: a society in which there is a fair and reasonable distribution of the world’s resources with wastage and misuse minimised, and in which every human being has significance and dignity, and no-one is oppressed.

A Participatory Society: a society in which every individual has an opportunity to influence the decisions which shape their life.

A Sustainable Society: a society which cares for the health of the world’s ecosystems in a changing Earth System and in which an acceptable quality of life can be maintained for all people.


The object of the Program is to encourage the Australian churches and community to consider and act in ways that advance the creation of just, participatory, and sustainable societies.

This goal will be implemented by providing resources to enable Australian Christians to:

a) Engage in the vital struggle for justice, peace, and ecological wellbeing, drawing on global perspectives to inform local concerns.

b) Creatively share the resources and experience of the worldwide ecumenical movement among Christians in local congregations, to build commitment and renewal in relation to the JPSS vision.

c) Join the ecumenical movement throughout the world in their pursuit of the JPSS vision; discover, develop and articulate appreciation for the diversity of liturgical traditions, and connect prayer, worship, and Bible study with community engagement in order to achieve the Glenburnie Program goal.

d) Provide quality JPSS training that serves to strengthen future generations of ecumenical leaders, both clergy and lay.

The administration of the Program is undertaken by the Glenburnie Program Committee which is appointed by the NCCA Board. Applications will be assessed against how well they reflect the JPSS vision and meet the guidelines.

Examples of recent grants are:


  • Assistance to the Faith Ecology Network (FEN) for part of the wages for a casual part-time Digital Content Creator/Communication Officer, over a 12-month period, to continue to share and promote the “Ten Ways Faith Groups Care for Biodiversity” project resource.
  • Assistance to Hands and Feet Inc (WA), to enable the organisation to grow its operation in Western Australia through helping communities in need by providing much needed relief with the distribution of food items.


  • Assistance to the Faith Ecology Network (FEN) for a part-time communications officer to enable further development of their ‘Ten Ways Faith Groups Care for Biodiversity’ resource.
  • Assistance to Palestine Israel Ecumenical Network Inc (PIEN) to cover the associated costs of bringing USA-based author Mercy Aiken of the Network of Evangelicals for the Middle East to Australia for a two-week tour to speak about Bethlehem Bible College.
  • Assistance to Queensland Churches Environmental Network (QCEN) for the Devotional Resources for Season of Creation. To collate contributions, including from young adults and Indigenous people to develop Calendar, devotion template, bible verses and develop an App, and printing an initial 200 copies of the book of Devotional Resources.
  • Assistance to the University of Divinity (School of Indigenous Studies) for The School’s establishment of an Indigenous Ecumenical Network of Indigenous Christian leaders and Elders from the NCCA’s member churches.


  • Assistance to the UCA SA Synod, Environmental Action Group for the production and promotion of material to advance the understanding of Eco-theology.


  • Assistance to Uniting Church Fellowships and Mission Support (UCFAMS) to complete the video series, ’Lessons from Covid-19 for the Climate Emergency’READ MORE
  • Assistance to the Australian Religious Response to Climate Change (ARRCC) to undertake training and mentoring for the “Sacred People, Sacred Earth” campaign in the lead up to COP26.


  • Assistance to the NSW Ecumenical Council to conduct workshops in local parishes for clergy, Sunday school teachers and lay persons in leadership positions on how to identify and respond to parishioners who are living with family or domestic violence.


  • Assistance to St John’s Cathedral, Anglican Church Southern Queensland, to develop and curate resources for Churches to enable them to better enter into dialogue, discernment and action on climate change.    READ MORE


  • Assistance to Act for Peace for the Ecumenical Accompaniment Program in Palestine and Israel to work with the Palestine & Israel Ecumenical Network;
  • Assistance to the Australian Religious Response to Climate Change (ARRCC) for ‘Stop Adani’ advocacy work in North Queensland and capacity building workshops for faith communities.

Funds available are limited. This may mean that not all projects will receive funding or the desired level of funding, even if they fit the guidelines.

How to apply

Download and complete The Glenburnie Program  Application Form 2024 (926 KB)

Applications: 31 July 2025 for projects in the 2026 financial year

Applicants should base their proposal for funding on the Glenburnie Program vision and guidelines outlined above.

Enquiries and applications should be directed to:

General Secretary
National Council of Churches in Australia

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