How We Work

The NCCA gathers together Churches and Christian communities which confess the Lord Jesus Christ as God and Saviour according to the Scriptures. We commit to deepen our relationship with each other and to work together towards the fulfilment of common witness, proclamation and service, to the glory of the one God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Meditation and Prayers for Peace and Hope in the Middle East, Australia and Beyond

A Vigil for Victims of War

As we continue to witness unfolding events, we seek to remain people of peace in upholding the values of multi-faith harmony, inclusion, and social cohesion.

When: Sunday 22 October 2023

Time: Sydney, Melbourne, Hobart: 6:30pm | Adelaide: 6:00 | Brisbane: 5:30 | Darwin: 5:00 | Perth: 3:30

Please bring a candle – if you can


Zoom Link:

Meeting ID: 856 3191 7265

Please feel free to share the flyer below through your networks.

Final Prayer Meditations Oct 22nd 23 (61 KB)

Go to the Religions for Peace Australia website to find out more about their organisation