At the NCCA Annual General Meeting on 1 November 2023, His Grace Bishop Bartholomew of Charioupolis of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese was elected as a new Director of the company.

Bishop Bartholomew began serving his church a member of the Central Youth Committee of the first Archdiocesan District of Sydney whilst studying for a Bachelor of Theology degree at St Andrews Theological College. Following this, he worked for over a decade in senior management roles within the retail and finance sectors.
Over the following decade, His Grace was ordained as Deacon of the Church of St Euphemia, Bankstown, receiving the name Prochoros, then two years later he was ordained Presbyter of Saints Raphael, Nicholas & Irene, Liverpool and appointed Assistant Parish Priest. A year later, he was bestowed the title Archimandrite and in 2019, was appointed Parish Priest at Saints Raphael, Nicholas & Irene, Liverpool. Here he began the first outdoor feeding program in New South Wales.
This was followed by his appointment by His Eminence Archbishop of Australia as Archiepiscopal Vicar of Canberra in 2020 and then in 2021 he was appointed as the representative of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia in the National Council of Churches. On November 21, 2021 he was ordained to the Episcopacy by the hands of Archbishop Makarios of Australia at the Church of St Nicholas, Sydney receiving the name Bartholomew, in honour of the Greek Ecumenical Patriarch.
His Grace has been playing a very active role in ecumenical affairs in NSW, ACT and Tasmania.
Ann Zubrick, of Quakers Australia, was re-elected as a Director at the AGM to serve another term with the NCCA Ltd Board. We are grateful for her willingness to continue serving on our Board.
Fr Anastasios Bozikis, of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia, has stepped down from the NCCA Ltd Board. We thank Fr Anastasios for his service. Our prayers are with him as he continues his ecumenical journey as President of the New South Wales Ecumenical Council.
We acknowledge the great breadth of diversity of culture, mission and service that each Director brings to NCCA conversations and decision making.
With prayers of gratitude for all our Directors for their gracious sharing of their wonderful gifts with us.
…so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.
Romans 12:5 (NIV)