Rev John Gilmore – NCCA President
Rev John Gilmore was elected as President, following the completion of a three year term. We look forward to him leading us through the next three years with his characteristic grace and energy.
At the NCCA Annual General Meeting on 7 November 2024, the new NCCA Board of Directors was elected for the next three years.
Re-elected Directors of the company

Anne Hywood (Anglican Church of Australia) and Geoff Officer (Catholic Church in Australia) have completed two terms as Directors of the company, and were re-elected for a further three year term. We express our gratitude for their willingness to serve on our Board.
Newly elected Director
Rev Dr Helen Richmond, of the Uniting Church in Australia, has been elected to the Board and we look forward to her joining us with her warmth and wisdom.
Retiring Director
We thank outgoing director, Rob Floyd for his six years of gracious service on the Board. His thoughtful insight and valued contribution has been greatly appreciated. Our prayers are with him as he continues to serve the Uniting Church in his role as National Director of Frontier Services.

Bishop Daniel (Coptic Orthodox Church – member); Bishop Milton Nee (Chinese Methodist Church in Australia – member); Rob Floyd, retiring director (UCA); Geoff Officer, returning director (Catholic Church); Thomas Ling, director, (Chinese Methodist Church in Australia); Rev John Gilmore, NCCA President; Anne Hywood, returning director (Anglican Church of Australia); and Liz Stone NCCA General Secretary.
Other members and directors were present online for the hybrid meeting and thus, are not pictured.
The NCCA wishes to acknowledge the great breadth of diversity of culture, mission and service that each Director brings to the NCCA conversations and decision making.
With prayers of gratitude for all our Directors for their gracious sharing of their wonderful gifts with us.
…so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.
Romans 12:5 (NIV)