How We Work

The NCCA gathers together Churches and Christian communities which confess the Lord Jesus Christ as God and Saviour according to the Scriptures. We commit to deepen our relationship with each other and to work together towards the fulfilment of common witness, proclamation and service, to the glory of the one God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Learners-Disciples-Together: within and beyond Church Communities

The church is to be understood as a community of equals through baptism, with diverse ministries of service, recognising co-responsibility and servant leadership by all.

Learners-Disciples-Together provides practical approaches for all Church members. Written from within the Anglican tradition the papers consider topics which resonate with and are discussed in other Christian traditions. The headings of the three sections in the book have been generalised to suggest wider application.

Author: John Littleton

Foreword by:  Archbishop Geoff Smith, Anglican Archbishop of Adelaide and Primate or Senior Bishop in The Anglican Church of Australia. Archbishop Geoff, Geraldine Hawkes and Dorothy Thorpe commend the articles/papers in this publication.

Release date: 15/1/2024. Pages 102.

Further details

Practical approaches are provided in this resource for all Church members: local church leaders, theology students, nurses, mechanics, clergy, parents, plumbers, journalists, bankers, school & tertiary teachers, managers, IT people, lawyers, builders, doctors, public servants…

John focuses on the vocation, learning and discipleship ministry of ninety-nine percent of Church members, everyday disciples, and parish leader disciples. These disciples have a positive vocation and ministry in their own right within the People of God community of faith, uniquely part of God’s mission in and through Jesus ChristThe implications of a People of God understanding of the Church are outlined and discussed: a change in ecclesial language, discipleship ministry and mission priorities, governance issues, baptismal ecclesiology, understanding ordination, the emancipation of Christian learning, and the recognition that all disciples are learners and ministers. The ministers of the Church are everyday disciples, parish or congregation leader disciples, deacon disciples, priest/minister disciples, and bishop disciples; all the baptised.

The church is to be understood as a community of equals through baptism with a diversity of ministries of service, recognising co-responsibility and servant leadership by all.

Readers are invited to enter a new discipleship era, reform parish life through a deep appreciation of discipleship, and consider ‘disciple’ formation, education, and training.

About the author

The Rev’d Dr John Littleton is a retired Anglican minister in The Diocese of Adelaide, an experienced parish priest and Christian educator who has an ecumenical outlook. He lives in Adelaide and no longer uses the word ‘lay’ (laywoman, layman). The word ‘disciple’ is preferred. The book raises the ‘Lay Issue’ for discussion.



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