How We Work

The NCCA gathers together Churches and Christian communities which confess the Lord Jesus Christ as God and Saviour according to the Scriptures. We commit to deepen our relationship with each other and to work together towards the fulfilment of common witness, proclamation and service, to the glory of the one God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Each year, the World Council of Churches and the World Communion of Reformed Churches call member churches to pray for peace and unity in Korea, and peaceful reunification of the Korean Peninsula. This is usually on the Sunday before 15th August each year.

 “Let us then pursue what makes for peace and for mutual upbuilding.” Romans 14:19:

Prayer points

  1. Peaceful, considerate, mindful leadership and co-operation across the Korean Peninsula and in the Pacific.
  2. A renewed will for humanitarian cooperation, reconciliation and sustainable reunification.
  3. Strengthen Korean Christians in the Peninsula and all around the world/Australia as they deal with complex and often difficult situations.
  4. Uphold the people in the Korean Peninsula especially those who are affected by the extreme flooding. (8 August-Present)
A prayer by Second-generation Korean migrant and young UCA leader Joy Han
Hana-nim*, Holy One,

We praise you for your promise of renewal throughout the cosmos.

We thank you for Christ’s reconciling work

and recommit ourselves to the ministry of reconciliation.

We lament the historical and ongoing violence and trauma that

divide people from one another.

As a people for whom Christ’s gift and will is unity,

we lift up before you the Korean community,

both in the homeland and the diaspora,

who are hurting from more than 70 years of partition.

We especially lift up before you the people of North Korea,

a people estranged from the rest of the world,

as they struggle against the pandemic.

We grieve alongside those who are mourning,

and we share the anguish of the many –

North Korean refugees, families separated by the war –

who are anxious for their loved ones across the border.

We yearn for your comfort, healing and hope

for all who are sick and suffering.

Grant an extra measure of your strength and sustenance

to the people of North Korea

and to all those who would come to their aid,

bringing them vaccines, other medical supplies

and basic food supplies as well.

We cry out against the inaction

that entrenches inequality;

We cry out against the vested interests

that entrench systemic violence.

We cry, come, Holy Spirit.

Come, Holy Spirit, bring your liberation and Gwang-bok^

to the Korean peninsula and to the whole cosmos.

Move us to live out your unity in witness to the world.

In Christ’s name we pray. Amen. J. Han, (6 June 2022: Sydney).

* Christians who speaks Korean all around the world may call Heavenly Father Hana-nim

^ The National Liberation of Korea is called gwang-bok. The word “gwang-bok” means “restoration of light”.


World Council of Churches:

Victorian Council of Churches:

Prayers for Peace on the Korean Peninsula are accessible on the Victorian Council of Churches (VCC) website and VCC Facebook. Designed for Ministers/worship leaders to download and incorporate into worship and perhaps in prayers for others.

Read: VCC Media Release –  pdf Prayers: for Peace on Korean Peninsula 2022 (143 KB)

Uniting Church in Australia:

Prayers for peace (Korean Peninsula)

World Communion of Reformed Churches:

Prayers for Peace on the Korean Peninsula