Genesis 1: 27
So God created humans in his image,
  in the image of God he created them;
  male and female he created them.
It seems that almost daily we read of a woman killed as a result of domestic violence. Stories are written when the tragedy happens and then seem to be forgotten in the ongoing incessant noise of commentators and the media.
It is almost as if such tragedies have been ‘normalised’ when in reality it is a terrible statement about the way we as a community are moving. Violence ends nothing. It destroys people, families and communities and undermines our integrity as a nation.
This communal integrity is based on values and assumptions that we hold together. Such as:
- Every person is of intrinsic worth – made in the image of God.
- Each person has fundamental rights that are to be affirmed, honoured and cared for.
- All people have a freedom to choose how to live life, and to accept responsibility for the consequences of the choices made.
- Every person is someone Christ died and rose for.
This list may seem a bit naïve and is a little short, however in building community around such fundamental truths we are able to also name that which destroys this common sense of community.
Community is destroyed through domestic violence, racism, disempowerment of peop0le living in poverty and the marginalisation of people seeking asylum and the list can go on.
Change can happen as we celebrate that every person is of worth, made in the image of God and with the freedom to grow, mature and change.
Rev John Gilmore
NCCA President
NCCA Webpage –Â Safe Church resources – Domestic and Family violence
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