How We Work

The NCCA gathers together Churches and Christian communities which confess the Lord Jesus Christ as God and Saviour according to the Scriptures. We commit to deepen our relationship with each other and to work together towards the fulfilment of common witness, proclamation and service, to the glory of the one God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Position Open

Quakers Australia Coordinator

  •  Quakers Australia (QA) is revisioning its support structures to assist organisational effectiveness and vitality within the Australian Quaker community.
  • Applications are invited for the role of QA Coordinator to support the work of Quakers Australia, the body representing the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) in Australia.


This is a key role which provides assistance and support to the QA Presiding Clerk, the QA annual gathering, and other key committees and functions of QA. Key responsibilities include active engagement and wide liaison with the Quaker community, as well as coordinating papers, following up decisions, developing reports, and other duties as required.

Other functions associated with the role include:

  • Maintaining and providing access to key documentation, including that requiring the guidance of the QA Archivist
  • Supporting committees and other groups
  • Maintaining lists of office holders and committee members.


This ongoing position is for 27 hours per week and attracts an annual remuneration of $62,338 including 11% superannuation. In addition, workers compensation and other employer costs will be paid by QA. The remuneration package will be paid monthly or fortnightly (as preferred by the successful candidate). Remuneration will be reviewed annually in line with CPI increases.

The leave entitlements include twenty days recreation and ten days sick leave for each full year of appointment (pro rata) and all public holidays gazetted in the State or Territory in which the Coordinator resides.

In addition, there is payment for reasonable out-of-pocket expenses, for instance that are incurred in the establishment and ongoing operation of a home office.

Skills, experience and personal qualities

Applicants are expected to be in sympathy with Quaker values, to demonstrate respect for the spiritual practices of Quakers, and to be prepared to further Quaker witness in the contemporary world as part of their role.

This position requires demonstrated excellent communication and active listening skills as well as excellent interpersonal skills, including in online environments. Proven ability to supervise volunteers would be an advantage. It is expected that applicants will have excellent office skills, including managing databases and conducting online conferencing.

Familiarity with the practices and organisation of Quakers would be a strong advantage; an induction will cover this if the successful candidate does not have this knowledge.

While there are support structures in place, it is expected that applicants will be able to discharge their responsibilities with minimal direct oversight.

As this is a ‘position of trust’, the successful applicant will be required to comply with the QA Code of Conduct and Child Protection and other safety policies.

Duty Summary


  • Enquiries and applications for the position should be directed to the QA Presiding Clerk
  • The closing date for applications is 5.00 p.m. AEST Friday 6 April 2023.
  • It is anticipated that the successful candidate will take up their role on 1 July 2023.

Integrity in Public Office action

Quaker action Thursday 9 February 2023

Pictured right, Wies Schuiringa (in red) and other Quakers held banners saying “Show Integrity in Public Office”. It was also raining again! They received a lot more waves this time from politicians and others driving to the Parliament House car parks.

Videos are available to view, below.

Bev Polzin:

Wies Schuiringa (1):

Jonathan Benyei:

Katherine Heywood:

Wies Schuiringa (2):–2Nq/view?usp=share_link

For further information see :

The next action will be mid-September. You might like to join them, please contact   Wies Schuiringa by the end of August 2023.


Topic: “Integrity in Public Office” action at the Australian Parliament House, the Canberra Foundation Stone on Thursday 9 February 2023 at 9.00 am.

The “Integrity in Public Office” action by Quakers in Australia calls on the federal government to be determined to continue to work for integrity in public office. We look forward to the establishment of the National Anti-Corruption Commission and to other measures that increase integrity in public office and in democratic processes.

“This project and the action today developed in the second half of 2021 in response to several problems with integrity in public office in the federal parliament” said Wies Schuiringa, one of the instigators of the action. “A lack of integrity in public office causes disrespect, distrust and cynicism in the processes of public office, encourages a further lack of integrity and derails governing for the common good”.

Like many faith communities Quakers has a Concern for integrity and respectfully speaking truth to power.

Quakers in Australia now ask for an integrated pro-integrity framework that includes:

  • strong whistle blower protection;
  • the allocation of grants on the basis of merit, not vote buying;
  • transparency in and capping of political donations and their declaration in real time;
  • the limiting of industry influence in political decision-making when the common good or the environment are not served;
  • real consequences for politicians/ senior public servants/ appointees who prove to lack integrity; and
  • the cessation of time-wasting personal attacks under ‘parliamentary privilege’.

This project supports organisations and people who also work for greater integrity in public office. This action is independent of political parties and of independent parliamentarians.

For further information: 

Visit Quakers Australia website 

Twitter: @IntegrityAust
