I in them and you in me, that they may become completely one, so that the world may know that you have sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.   (John 17:23)
Two weeks ago today, the NCCA Forum was commencing in Adelaide. The four days passed quickly, with worship, bible study, reports, input and time to listen, pray and discern together. The next step, in a few weeks’ time, is to prepare the Road Map for the next 3 years.
Some have asked me what stood out most in the context of the life of the Forum. I was encouraged by some many parts of the time together; however, one aspect has stayed with me. It is best described by the word ‘community’.
We gathered together in one place, attending meetings, sharing meals, and sitting at various tables each day. Together we listened and reflected. Every voice counted, and all contributed. The buzz of conversation in the meeting room during discussion was lively and the sharing at meals also included conversation and warmth. People entered into the process with grace and openness.
Being ecumenical is being in relationship with each other. One lasting impression of the forum was the sense of joy there was in being together. We were ‘as one’ in considering the future, at the tables as we shared and as we reflected together our relationships grew. This experience of ‘community’ formed in our being together, was rich and hopeful.
One passage reflected on more than once in the Forum was John 17:20:25. In reading it again since our time together the words of Jesus as he prays ‘that they may become completely one’ are significant. His use of the word ‘become’ seems to indicate that being ‘completely one’ takes time. It is not an overnight achievement; it is a journey towards becoming ‘completely one’ and has purpose ‘that the world may know’ (John 17:23).
Community has an end point purpose.
Without being naïve as to the differences we live with, the Forum was an encouraging and important step in our growth in unity, understanding and witness.
Rev John Gilmore
NCCA President
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 (Above & below) Forum delegates pray, reflect, discuss and discern together – over four days in June.
all photos credit: NCCA staff