Statement of Purpose
The National Council of Churches in Australia (NCCA) supports the lives of refugees and people seeking asylum in Australia through the advocacy of the Australian Churches Refugee Taskforce (ACRT). NCCA wishes to assist people seeking asylum and refugees to live in dignity in Australia as independent individuals living their lives to the fullest (John 10:10) and sharing their traditions, skills and talents with us all.
The NCCA has a Christian vision of compassion, generosity and hospitality for people seeking asylum and refugees in Australia that guides the advocacy work of the ACRT and the establishment of the Refugee Support Grant Fund.
In response to limited resources available for community organisations working with people seeking asylum, waiting on refugee status determination and appeals and with refugees settling as new residents, the Refugee Support Fund will make available grants to enable assistance for these vulnerable groups that are unable to access Australian Government support and assistance or can only access limited government-funded programs and services that meet their needs. A key principle is that every individual seeking protection and safety has an opportunity to live with dignity and be assisted to influence the decisions which shape their life in Australia.
GUIDELINESÂ (currently under review)
Applicants should base their proposal for funding on the vision and guidelines as outlined.
APPLICATION FORMÂ (currently under review)
To be submitted to the NCCA Ltd Board of Directors
Please complete and return electronically to
All enquiries and applications should be directed to:
General Secretary
National Council of Churches in Australia