On the 2nd anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, World Council of Churches’ General Secretary, Rev. Prof. Dr Jerry Pillay, has made a statement calling for prayer “…for the restoration of our humanity and morality”.
In the statement, Rev. Pillay expresses sorrow over the loss of numerous lives, livelihoods, and communities in Ukraine, along with the impact beyond its borders.
“We grieve for all the civilians targeted, killed and wounded, as well as all the military casualties of this unjustifiable war.”
The statements concludes:
“Within the ecumenical movement, we pray for a renewal of commitment to the churches’ calling to be witnesses against the prevailing logic of the world – the logic of violence and imposed power – and for peace and the fullness of life which God desires for all God’s people.”
Read the full statement
WCC statement for 2nd anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine | WCC 23 February 2024 | Oikoumene.org