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Eco-Mission Network


Given the current ecological crisis (biodiversity loss, unsustainable consumption of resources, climate change etc.), there is an urgent need for the churches to address publicly the ethical, social and spiritual questions posed by this crisis. There is also a growing awareness that the church has a genuine mission to love and care for God’s creation as a vital expression of its faith (this is our definition of Eco Mission). 

Mandate of Eco Mission Network

The Eco Mission Network exists to assist the National Council of Churches in Australia in its commitment to encourage and enable the member churches, in the light of the gospel, to give prophetic leadership to each other and to the community in caring for God’s creation.

The Eco Mission Network assists the member churches to uphold the dignity of all people and the flourishing of all creation.

The Eco Mission Network is mandated to:

  1. provide a means of communication between member churches on issues of ecological importance;
  2. share resources that will assist our member churches to deepen understanding of the ecological implications of our Sacred Scripture;
  3. facilitate cooperation and joint action between churches to care for our common home.
  4. advise the National Council of Churches in Australia on resources and actions which might appropriately be taken by the Council and/or severally by member churches.
  5. propose issues and occasions when either the NCCA or its members might advocate on behalf of God’s Creation. 



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