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Stages on the Way

Documents from the Bilateral Conversations between Churches in Australia

edited by Raymond K.Williamson


Stages on the Way (published 1994) and Stages on the Way II (published 2007, covering the years 1994-2007) are collections of the agreed statements and reports from the bilateral conversations between Australian churches in recent times. They bear witness to the extraodinary amount of theological agreement which has been achieved and recognised through our ecumenical conversations.

Whilst there is much still to do, the content of these volumes present both an encouragement and a challenge to the churches to live out the degree of communion that is already experienced and the agreements already achieved. Stages on the Way II also includes an excellent glossary of ecumenical theological terminology which is valuable in its own right.

A great resource for ecumenists and students!

Both volumes are available from the NCCA (02 9229 2215)

$22 - Stages on the Way
$30 - Stages on the Way II

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