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Tuesday, 09 August 2022 17:25

Uluru Statement from the Heart

Reflections, studies and video conversations from our Churches and wider networks.

Supporting Sovereignty and the determination of First Nations Peoples for Voice, Treaty and Truth-Telling.



Anglican Board of Mission - A Voice in the Wilderness, Study Guide

Uniting Church in Australia

UCA Synod of Victoria and Tasmania - Statement from the Heart Study Guide

Pilgrim Uniting Church, Adelaide - VOICE TREATY TRUTH -Uluru Statement from the Heart - SYMPOSIUM & WORKSHOP 4 MARCH 2022. Watch videos: Rev Dr Chris Budden and Rev Dr (Aunty) Denise Champion 


Churches Together SA - Statement from the Heart. Watch: Aunty Prof Dr Anne Pattel-Gray


South Australian Dialogue Roman Catholic & Uniting Church - Crying Out, Study Guide

pdf CryingOut FINAL 06AUG2021 (8.11 MB)

Religion and Social Policy Network of the University of Divinity

pdf Response to the Uluru Statement from the Heart (176 KB)


Statements from the Soul: The Moral Case for the Uluru Statement from the Heart

A collection of passionate essays from religious leaders arguing for a First Nations Voice to be enshrined in the Australian Constitution

Purchase online at Black Inc Books


Everything You Need to Know About the Uluru Statement from the Heart 

Megan Davis, George Williams

Available from Newsouth Books

Edmund Rice Centre

The Uluru Statement from the Heart Discussion Resource Kit - 6 October 2022


Uluru Statement from the Heart: Resource Kit for Teachers

  pdf Uluru School Resource (7.06 MB)

Yes23.com (previously From the Heart)

Watch: Learning with From the Heart YouTube playlist

  • We Were There
  • What is Indigenous Constitutional Recognition?  
  • What is 'A Voice to Parliament'?
  • Why is a Referendum needed?
For more information on the indigenous voice referendum please visit our A Voice to Parliament page


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