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Ecumenical Funds

The National Council of Churches in Australia administers the following ecumenical funds:

A property known as 'Glenburnie', Wooroloo, in Western Australia, was transferred to the Australian Council of Churches Association Ltd in 1976 as a gift from Laurie and Nancy Wilkinson. The property was sold in May 1987 and the proceeds were allocated "to provide resources for the churches and the community on issues relating to a just, participatory and sustainable society."

To apply for funding from The Glenburnie Program it is necessary to complete an application form. Each application is taken on its merits.

The Ecumenical Leadership Fund assists young people eager to enlarge their ecumenical experience and leadership skills.  It helps those who have exhibited leadership potential to develop their gifts and focus their vision.

Application for assistance should take the form of a letter setting out your plans and aspirations for serving the church in Australia, with all the usual information about yourself, your background and interests, and your financial needs.

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