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NCCA is committed to the churches working together for justice, peace and the care of creation.

The NCCA coordinates networks from member churches for mutual support and participation, connecting networks of expertise & experience, and enabling the voice from the margins to be heard.

The pages that are included in this section of our website refer to projects, workshops and resources that have been produced by our networks with the assistance of the NCCA. They cover issues that we have formerly listed as work of the Social Justice Network and the Eco Mission Network. The amalgamation of these areas reflects the interconnectedness and interdependency of each in our common home.

Concerns and issues that you will find on these pages may include:

- Climate Justice

- Family and Domestic violence

- Gender-based violence

- Modern Slavery 

- Our Pacific neighbours


The NCCA has a number of programs and taskforces working ecumenically. You can find these under the OUR WORK menu of the NCCA home page 

They include: 


ACRT is committed to offering a strong Christian moral voice into what has become a heated and hostile public debate.



NCCA is committed to the churches working together for justice for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians, and for the healing of our peoples.  

We support and affirm the Uluru Statement from the Heart.



For over a decade, the NCCA Safe Church Program has led the ecumenical endeavour to make Australian Churches safe for children and vulnerable people. It works across all denominations to support churches in their safeguarding journey. 



The international humanitarian agency of the National Council of Churches in Australia.


Ecumenical Accompaniment Program in Palestine and Israel (EAPPI)

Volunteers travel to Israel and Palestine, spend three months living and working alongside families living under military occupation to become a protective presence as an international observer. 



















This page had 480 views for Justice, Peace & creation

What is it? 

The aim of the project is “to recognise and increase awareness of family and domestic violence in church parishes and to develop skills for clergy and lay leaders to respond when instances of family and domestic violence become known.” 


Assistance was given to the NSW Ecumenical Council (NSWEC), through the NCCA's Glenburnie Program, to conduct workshops in local parishes for clergy, Sunday school teachers and lay persons in leadership positions on how to identify and respond to parishioners who are living with family or domestic violence.

Oliver Slewa was appointed to the position of Family and Domestic Violence project officer and started on 28 September 2020. Oliver is a Deacon in the Assyrian Church of the East, a lawyer with extensive experience working at Legal Aid as well as, on a voluntary basis, conducting groups for men who are newly arrived refugees and that focus on family relationships in a new country. 

About the Project

  • The project conducted 8 workshops and forums for clergy and lay leaders in Christian faith organisations attended by nearly 200 people. The evaluations have been very positive.
  • The project officer was invited to present at a domestic violence conference and was invited as a guest speaker to 11 family and domestic violence meetings and events, some for faith leaders. In the annexure are the details of the meetings, events and other information pertaining to the project. 
  • The work that the Glenburnie Fund grant enabled, resulted in a successful grant application to another funding grant to continue the work in 2022. The same project officer will continue the work.

Visit the NSWEC website for more information about the NSWEC Domestic Violence Project  

Project outcomes:

1. Development of suitable resources with information about referral agencies for clergy and lay persons in churches:

  • A support services poster designed and finalised with 80+ contact details for domestic and family violence services. Poster translated and printed into 22 languages.
  • Support Services pamphlet, DL size also translated and printed in 21 community languages. 
  • Resource booklet for clergy and lay leaders addressing family and domestic violence in the context of the Christian faith.

2. Data from the NSW Police about family and domestic violence reports by LGA has been used to compile a database with about 1300 church contacts in these LGAs. This is used to target churches in these LGAs with invitations to workshops and forums. Church and lay leaders from other LGAs are also welcome to attend.

3. “Declaration of Unity”  Church leaders are asked to declare to stand up against family and domestic violence in their church communities and display the poster. Attendees at the workshops and forums are also provided with the Declaration and asked to sign and promote it. Declaration of Unity - Google doc form

4. Workshops and forums: These events have several guest speakers such as a community liaison officer, often the multicultural liaison officer of a local police command, a representative from the NSW victims support service and a solicitor who specialises in AVOs. There was a high number of attendees from migrant communities. Several pastors asked for ongoing contact to be supported in managing family and domestic violence situations in their community.  


The printed resources can be downloaded from the NSW Ecumenical Council website. If you would like to receive a printed copy of the Support Services, please email the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with the subject line: ‘order for Support Services poster’. Images below are samples only.

Large poster - English
Tri fold pamphlet - English


1. Scientists have been warning the world for several decades of the existential crisis we are facing. The climate is changing to such an extent that the ecological balance of the created world is being upset, with the result that habitats are threatened and peoples and communities face displacement. In more recent decades, this existential threat has become part of the world’s political discourse, as nations bring their own perspective to bear on how to manage this crisis. Unsurprisingly, the political discourse is a contested discourse as politicians and governments look for practical solutions, but also solutions that will be accepted by the people. In Australia, we have experienced firsthand the political challenge the climate crisis brings with it. Through that turbulence there has emerged a deeper realisation that the political class will not solve this problem alone, just as the scientific analysis is not in itself a solution. The nature of the crisis is such that it will only be adequately addressed by all sections of our society working collaboratively, each contributing its expertise to lead change. This itself requires a willingness to engage in conversations, to listen carefully to each other, and to reach agreement on common actions. We should not underestimate the challenge this poses.

2. The churches in Australia are part of this conversation. This is a matter that has deep theological resonance, which we will identify shortly. It is not always easy for the churches to speak with one voice on issues of social significance, nor on theological matters. However, we have been on a journey for over a century, taking steps towards Christian unity. That journey has reached the point where we recognise that more unites than divides us. Since the tenth Assembly of the World Council of Churches (Busan, 2013), the churches in Australia have been conscious of walking together on the “Pilgrimage of Justice and Peace”. This pilgrimage seeks “to foster greater unity among Christians and to respond … to the challenges facing the human family in our time”. 1. As the churches have reflected together on the climate crisis, we have recognised that we do speak with one voice.

3. Each of our churches has a rich theological tradition through which they understand the Christian faith. Each has a particular theological lens for looking at God’s revelation. While at times these different lenses have kept the churches apart, when we considered the theological issues raised by the environmental crisis, we recognised that these different lenses are not speaking different truths but bringing into sharper focus our understanding God’s word for our time.

Theological Foundations

4. Christian faith unequivocally affirms that God is the Creator. The opening pages of our Bible give accounts of God creating the world and declaring that creation is good. These accounts point to the harmony that exists within God’s creation so that each part of the creation contributes to the support of all the other parts. Some of our churches speak of an “integral ecology”, where everything is connected. Creation is an act of divine providence; God is always faithful and does not abandon creation. Indeed, God continually renews and refreshes it, as the psalmist affirms, “When you send forth your spirit, they are created; and you renew that face of the ground” (Ps 104:30). 

5. The story of God creating the world and all life is also a story of human interaction with creation. As the Bible affirms, God entrusted to humankind the responsibility to till the earth and care for it (Cf. Gen 2:15). The care of creation is thereby a sacred responsibility put on all people. The way we human beings relate to the natural world and to the biodiversity of creation directly reflects the way we relate to God and to other human beings. For this reason, concern about climate change is a core matter of faith.

6. The accounts of creation also tell the story of human sin. It is the human desire to become like God and to be the master of creation. As the Book of Genesis recounts, “when you eat [of the fruit of the tree] … you will be like God” (Gen 3:5). Today we recognise that the notion of stewardship was distorted whenever human beings separated themselves from the created order, claiming dominion over it. Humans have not always care-fully tilled the earth and cared for it. This anthropocentrism has become more intense as human beings developed the technological know-how and power to exert control and manipulate the created order. This has resulted in the exploitation of creation to such an extent that whole populations are similarly exploited and suffer catastrophic consequences.

7. The recognition that human beings pose a threat to God’s creation has led some of our churches to pray that God would “protect the earth from human hands”. This stands in contrast to a typical blessing prayer for food: You are blessed, Lord God of all creation, for through your goodness we have this bread to eat which earth has given and human hands have made.

8. Awareness of the goodness of God’s creation and of its exploitation has led our churches to a renewed understanding of the sacramentality of creation. The world is impregnated with God’s presence and therefore holy. Creation is like an “icon”. Nevertheless, we also recognise that there are some in our congregations and elsewhere who are suspicious that the Christian concern for creation might in fact be a modern version of pantheism. Pantheism is the worship of the created world, and probably exists in every age. While some sections of contemporary society may indeed practice a form of pantheism, a proper understanding of the theology of creation and of the sacramentality of creation does not lead to pantheism. Christians do not worship creation, but in caring for it and respecting it, they give honour to the God who created all things. Moreover, the natural world has the power to draw us to God and connect us with God.

9. The theological understanding of creation is even more fully understood when read against the background of the Christian doctrine of the Incarnation. This fundamental Christian doctrine affirms that God entered the created world in a unique way in Jesus of Nazareth. Hence, in the Incarnation the created order received an even higher dignity: “the Word became flesh and lived among us” (Jn 1:14). In the Incarnation, we recognise God’s ultimate affirmation of the goodness of creation.

10. The Christian doctrine of the Incarnation takes us to the doctrine of salvation, a story of new life and the renewal of all creation. The death and resurrection of Jesus and the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost is the declaration that God’s reign has dawned. All creation is caught up in the mystery of Christ; “all things have been created in him and through him” (Col 1:16). This is a new lens through which we may see the natural world: embraced and renewed in Christ, ever more capable of revealing the glory of God. 

11. We now live in anticipation of the fullness of God’s reign. We live in the “in-between” time, as it were. Christ is at work in us and in all creation, renewing, perfecting. This is a crucial time where we give witness to what life in Christ looks like. Christians, endowed with the Spirit of the risen Christ, have a mission to serve the divine plan, which is a plan for the unity of all creation. Everything is interconnected.

Seeing the bigger picture

12. The Lord hears the cry of the poor (Cf. Ps 34:18). This cry from the psalms was visible in Jesus’ response to the marginalised. His transformation of their lives was a sign that the reign of God had dawned. This attitude has characterised Christian action through the centuries.

13. Today, not only does the earth cry out, but those close to the earth also cry out. These are the people who are suffering most directly from the climate crisis. It includes Australia’s first nations peoples who have a special connection to the land. It includes our neighbours in the Pacific who face inundation from rising sea levels. It includes the poor who are exploited by those who re-purpose their lands for commercial gain. It also includes our farmers who face the death of once productive land. And then there are peoples and towns who face challenges as polluting industries close their operations. All of these groups and others like them, are the poor who cry out to the Lord today. These are the people at the margins, who are the privileged hearers of the word of God.

14. The Christian community, following the path of Jesus, is called to listen to these voices. In listening to them, we will listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit. This moment in our history calls us to read the signs of the times and to hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches.

15. We have the capacity to foster dialogue among people so that not only are the voices at the margins heard, but their cries are also heard. Dialogue does not create winners and losers. Rather, dialogue is a movement towards unity. This is a unity that not only embraces different peoples and populations, but also includes unity with all of creation.

Some resources

16. Our churches have been reflecting on the ecological crisis for several decades and discerning what the Spirit is saying to all of us.  Below is a list of basic resources.

International Commission for Anglican–Orthodox Dialogue.

Stewards of Creation: A Hope-Filled Ecology


• Greek Orthodox Church. 

On Earth as in Heaven: Ecological Vision and Initiatives of Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew (New York: Fordham University Press, 2012).

• Lutheran Church of Australia.

God’s Creation: A Sacred Responsibility (2015), https://lca.box.com/shared/static/t92lbrrxr2msf2juoj6io691fn8yvc00.pdf  

Caring for God’s Creation.

• Religious Society of Friends (Quakers.)

Climate Emergency and Species Extinction. https://www.quakersaustralia.info/speciesandclimate  

• Roman Catholic Church.

Laudato Si’: On the Care of our Common Home, encyclical letter of Pope Francis, https://www.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/encyclicals/documents/papa-francesco_20150524_enciclica-laudato-si.html  

• Salvation Army.

Caring for the Environment (2021), https://s3.amazonaws.com/cache.salvationarmy.org/61b9802b-e89d-4607-a3c6-f4d88d2cf23c_Caring+for+the+Environment+-+July+2021.pdf  

Responsibility for the Creation: A Discussion Paper (2022), https://www.salvationarmy.org.au/scribe/sites/masic/files/discussion_papers/MASIC_Responsibility_to_Care_for_the_Creation_final.pdf  

• Uniting Church in Australia.

National Climate Action Plan (2021), https://uniting.church/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Assembly-National-Climate-Action-Plan.pdf 


1. Come and See: A Theological Invitation to the Pilgrimage of Justice and Peace, Faith and Order Paper no.224 (Geneva: World Council of Churches, 2019), #1.


NCCA Faith and Unity Commission

April 2023

Download the PDF  pdf Churches in Australia and Care of Creation (211 KB)   (26 July 2023)

See also NCCA Faith and Unity - Issues and Documents


Dialogue, discernment and action on climate change

A series of ecumenical Climate Conversations were held In 2019 and 2020. The conversations brought together a wide range of Christians interested in environmental sustainability and climate activism from various denominations including Anglicans, Uniting Church, Catholics, Baptists, Salvation Army, Presbyterian and Lutheran. The agreed aim for the group was “To gather a broad range of Christians to discern a common voice for common action serving the healing and flourishing of God’s climate-challenged creation.”


St John's Cathedral, Anglican Church Southern Queensland (ACSQ), received a grant from the NCCA's Glenburnie Program in 2019/20 to ‘develop and curate resources for Churches to enable them to better enter into dialogue, discernment and action on climate change.’  (With the interruption of COVID-19 the timeline for the project was stretched out considerably)

 - Jason MacLeod was contracted to host the series of Ecumenical Climate Conversations which began as face-to-face meetings in 2019 and ended up as Zoom meetings in 2020. 

 - 2 Climate Roundtables were organised with the NCCA to bring together Christians from across all traditions and around Australia during this time. By the close of the second dialogue, actions plans were beginning to emerge around

  • The formation of some kind of group or taskforce who could continue to “hold the space” for these conversations, and to facilitate more shared action and Christian voice.
  • The internal work of transforming our own people, structures and operations, aware of our interconnectedness with all of God’s creation. Sharing ideas and resources.
  • Continuing to look at how we better communicate around climate and environment.
  • Better listening and walking in solidarity with our First Nations and Pacific peoples.

 - Subsequent Conversations and Projects

  1. A listening event in November 2020 featured First Nations Christian leaders from around Queensland on the topic of Creation, Country and Climate. The gathering brought together respected Aboriginal and Torres Straits Island leaders from the church and climate activism spaces.
  2. Hosted an open-space style ecumenical climate conversation January 2021 where people could self-organise around similar themes, working groups, and projects.
  3. Ongoing work - A document outlining the ‘Pillars of support’ for Fossil Fuel in Australia, and how Christians could be involved in dismantling them.

About the 'Reframing Climate messaging' document

This document outlines how to reframe climate and creation care messaging and conversations among Christians so that our communications can be more effective. It provides the basis for the ‘climate messaging’ online workshops. 

Developed by cross-commission staff and clergy across the ACSQ as part of the Resource Churches project, in consultation with a Christian climate scientist and other consulting Christians. The document has been specifically developed to assist ACSQ clergy, lay leaders and other staff involved in climate and creation care related communications, so that hope; agency; humanising and respectful language; solutions and shared values; and, Christian mission and identity are emphasised and encouraged.


St John's Cathedral has made this document available as a live published resource on the St John's Cathedral, ASCQ website. This document is a collaboration with ACSQ’s Parishes and Mission Commission who welcome other denominations, Christian organisations and faith groups to use and adapt the contents of the document for non-commercial purposes in order to tailor the messaging principles, pillars and tips for their respective audiences. 

It is published as live online resource on St John’s Cathedral

Visit: Climate and creation care communications – engaging Queensland Anglicans | St John's Cathedral 

 Theological discussion and reflection

The video series, ’Lessons from Covid-19 for the Climate Emergency'  is a joint venture UCFAMS (Uniting Church Fellowships and Mission Support) and Uniting Church SA’s Environmental Action Group (EAG). It acknowledges the global crisis of the COVID pandemic and directs our thinking to the greater crisis of Climate Emergency. The global COVID crisis has arisen rapidly and is being addressed by a vaccine. The Climate crisis has been gathering momentum for some decades and will not be solved by a vaccine. We have addressed the COVID crisis from a scientific approach. Why doesn't Australia use a similarly effective approach to address the climate crisis!


When COVID 19 lockdown happened in 2020, the Uniting Church SA’s EAG decided to investigate ways and means of presenting what could be learnt from the pandemic and set it in an environment of theological reflection and potential actions. A subcommittee worked on this for several months, but then collapsed, and the project was adopted by UCFAMS. 

Part One consists of five short videos which highlight and connect the two crises. It was officially launched by Dr. Diedre Palmer (then President of the Uniting Church in Australia) in May 2020.  

UCFAMS was granted assistance from the NCCA's Glenburnie Program to complete Part Two. 

About the video series

At the end of each of these five presentations there is a series of questions for group discussion. Delving into these issues can inform and empower us to become much more effective disciples of Christ in these critical times.  

Part Two of the presentation addresses Biblical principles upon which to build a new approach to responsible lifestyles for Christians. The final presentation asks the question ”What can we do?” and this looks at our potential responses in the Personal, Public and Political spheres.  

Professionally produced and highly recommended for congregational consideration. 

Part One of the series was produced by UCFAMS and EAG within the Uniting Church Synod of South Australia.   Part Two with the assistance of NCCA's Glenburnie Program


For all videos in the series go to the YouTube channel Lessons from Covid 19 for the Climate Emergency OR click on each image below for individual videos.

Lessons from Covid-19 for the Climate Emergency 

Part 1 



Lessons from Covid-19 for the Climate Emergency 

Part 2 


For Discussion groups 

Leader's Notes and other documents can be accessed below each video when it is playing on YOUTUBE. Click "SHOW MORE" to find the link. On mobile devices click the down-arrow below the video.   

 Australian Churches Ecological Taskforce (ACET)

The following resources are generously shared by the members of our ACET Christian communities 


Anglican Church of Southern Queensland (ACSQ) Sustainability Roadmap 



Environmental Action Group, UCA SA



ii. The Facts on Plastic 

iii. Divestment from Fossil Fuel Investments

iv. Environmental Sustainability Water and Power


My Salvos Toolkit - World Environment Day 2023





Terms of Reference

The Justice Network gives expression to the NCCA’s commitment to “encourage and enable the member churches, in the light of the gospel, to give prophetic leadership to each other and to the community” by

  • speaking out against injustice, violence and oppression; and
  • working to uphold the dignity of all people and the flourishing of all creation.

The Justice Network is a forum for NCCA member churches to:

  • communicate about issues of justice, peace and creation;
  • reflect theologically on the implications of the gospel for issues of justice in Australia;
  • facilitate co-operation between the churches on matters of justice, peace and the integrity of creation; and
  • advise and support the NCCA on actions which might appropriately be taken by the Council and/or by a group of the member churches.





Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. 

Colossians 3:15   


NCCA STATEMENT - 14 June 2023

‘Practising Peace’ in our nation, region and world

In Australia and our region and in our world, we are currently focused on issues of peace and security.

The war in Ukraine has entered its second year while, simultaneously; there is escalating violence in Palestine, continuing military exercises on the Korean Peninsula and the South China Sea; state violence in Myanmar; a fragile situation in Ethiopia and Sudan; and war in several other parts of the world threaten peace.

As Australian Christians we are tasked to “seek peace, and pursue it” (Psalm 34:14) and there are live discussions about non-military ways to enhancing security and stability in the Asia-Pacific region.

Australia’s churches have a long history of formal and informal relationships with communities across the Asia-Pacific region and Australia’s multi-cultural communities retain strong ties to their homelands.

Building people to people relationships through diplomacy is a bedrock upon which peace and security is founded.

Our Pacific neighbours have pointed out that regional stability for them is survival of their homelands and its peoples. To this end they have requested Australia to stop new fossil fuels projects and genuinely reduce emissions from polluting companies.

Similarly Australia’s overseas aid and development program in the Asia-Pacific region has been an important bridge for building stability and security over decades.

Many Australians are concerned that the budget for the official aid program is vulnerable to being cut given the fact that increased spending by Australia on weapons of war is being planned.

There cannot be peace without seeking justice, removing the causes of crisis and conflict and promoting the wellbeing of all people.

We are also reminded that the first greeting of Jesus Christ to his followers following his resurrection from the dead is “Peace be with you. As the Father sent me, so am I sending you.” (John 20:21) Peace is both a gift and a task.   

Called to be peacemakers, we Christians and churches aspire to put the principles of peace into practice in our day-to-day lives. We hope to build respectful and cooperative relationships with others in our multi-cultural and multi-faith nation.

We also call on the Australian Government at this time to:

  • Focus less on arming ourselves with weapons of war and move to an important role of peace-making in the Asia-Pacific region.
  • Be clear that the shift to Australia having nuclear powered submarines does not prevent the Australian Government signing the 2017 Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, otherwise known as the Nuclear Weapon Ban Treaty.
  • Offer more support for the 100 million displaced people, over 1.2% of the global population, that UNHCR estimated in 2022 have been forced to leave their homes. (Among these people are over 32.5 million refugees and 72% of those refugees come from just six countries.)
  • Respond generously to the invitation contained in the 2017 Uluru Statement from the Heart and work towards unity, reconciliation and the healing of our nation and take practical action to advance its core components: Voice, Treaty and Truth Telling.

ENDS – 14 June 2023 

Download:  pdf Practice of Peace NCCA Statement 14 June 2023 (105 KB)


Quakers Australia 

Annual Yearly Meeting 2023

Public Statement -  pdf AYM AUKUS Defence and Foreign Policies 2023 (455 KB)


In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, LORD, make me dwell in safety.

Psalms 4:8



In 2017 the NCCA Social Justice Network chose the topic of “PEACEMAKING” for the first edition of their 'What do the Churches say about'  series. 

This resource puts together a collection of statements that our member churches have made on the topic of peace-making.

The resource is available in printable PDF format and can be downloaded by using the link below.  What do the Churchesx350

Topics covered include:

  • Being Peacemakers  

  • Peace in the Community

  • Peace with the Earth

  • Peace in the Marketplace

  • Peace among the Peoples  

What do the Churches say about...PEACEMAKING (2017) is available to   pdf Download here  (1.11 MB)


SJN Resources from past years 


28 September 2014

Gambling and its Impact in Australia
Is Nothing Sacred?

The NCCA Social Justice Network has chosen the topic of “gambling” for the 2014 Social Justice Sunday resource in the hope of voicing the strong concerns held by the Churches about the encroachment of gambling and its destruction into the daily lives of many Australians. Poker machine reform is no longer on our national political agenda, however the expansion of gambling methods is extending, prompting the subtitle “is nothing sacred?”.

The resource is available in hard copy  by phoning or emailing the NCCA. Copies may also be available from either your State Council of Churches or possibly your denomination Social Justice Officer.

Articles included this year are:

Community for sale? Wanna Bet?
The growing reach of gambling.
Gambling and sport.
More gambling information.
Resources and weblinks relating to gambling issues.

pdf Social Justice Matters: Gambling and it's Impact in Australia (1.04 MB)

pdf Australian Churches Gambling Taskforce: Restraining Online Misery – Measures to curb online gambling companies (24 KB)


29 September 2013

"What does the Lord require of you?

This year the Social Justice Sunday resourceacknowledges that embracing the call to do justice is very challenging. As Australia approaches a federal elections the churches want to give the clear message that Social Justice Matters. The resource will be available in hard copy (after 15 August 2013) by phoning or emailing the NCCA. Copies may also be available from either your State Council of Churches or possibly your denomination Social Justice Officer.

The resource will include articles on:
Social Justice: The Biblical Foundations
Millenium Development Goals: A job that Needs Finishing
Taking Responsibility for Justice: The Case of Refugees
Disability, Spirituality, Accessibility
The Call for Leadership: the Prevention of Violence against Women and Girls
Resources with Links to Some Great Websites

pdf Social Justice Matters: What Does The Lord Require of You (548 KB)

document Worship Resources Social Justice Sunday 2013 (18 KB)

SJS_201230 September 2012

Peace in the Marketplace so all may live in dignity

Our current world economic situation is the subject of many books, lengthy media commentary and diverse expert opinions posing many questions. “Are we prospering, are we doomed, is the demand for our mineral resources going to last, how much of Australia’s natural landscape and ecology can be sacrificed to support our economic growth?” Is the concept of economic growth out dated as it is severely altering the natural world? How do we grapple with the unintended consequences?These are the big questions of our times.

The NCCA Social Justice Network has produced this resource  “Peace in the Marketplace – So all may live in dignity. to assist in addressing issues of well being, the economy and the challenges such as work life balance, consumerism, and measuring real progress as a nation. Hopefully this will be a helpful tool for promoting discussion across the community.

pdf Social Justice Matters - Peace in the Marketplace (859 KB)

document Worship Resources Social Justice Sunday 2012 (38 KB)

sjs-2011 25 September 2011

I Was in Prison and You Visited Me 

The number of people in prison in Australia (both sentenced and unsentenced) is increasing faster than population growth. At the same time, rates for most categories of offending are decreasing. These trends require us to pause and reflect on what is happening in our society and especially, who is most likely to be found in prison. The great majority of prisoners come from impoverished circumstances, often experiencing multiple disadvantage. However, most attention is given to the few high profile, even very wealthy, individuals who engage equally high profile legal advisers to secure their freedom.

The Social Justice Network has produced this resource to assist individuals and congregations to be aware of the alarming facts about prisons in Australia and to advocate for a more just society.

pdf Social Justice Matters: I Was In Prison and You Visited Me (2.00 MB)


pdf Worship Resources Social Justice Sunday 25 September 2011 (9 KB)

The 1998 Resource: pdf SJS 1988 Prison the Last Resort Part 1 (172 KB)

pdf SJS 1988 Prison the Last Resort Part 2 (564 KB)

SJS_2010_cover26 September 2010

 Witnessing to Peace in a Violent World

In countless conflicts across the globe, the shadow of violence continues to obscure a new horizon for peace. Nevertheless, as we reflect earnestly at the conclusion of the Decade to Overcome Violence we should draw inspiration from the continuing outward gaze of the ecumenical movement in Australia in standing in solidarity with the victims of violence across the world.

 Traditionally, in times of conflict and amid the terrors of deprivation and need, the Church has often held firm as a place of sanctuary and succour. Sometimes it has had a very mixed response, with some sections fearful and silent or even siding with persecutors. The Church reflects both the highs and lows of our human condition.

In many flashpoints across the globe, the Church speaks forcefully for the preservation of human dignity, the broader protection of rights of individuals and communities, and has achieved many peace dividends, some small and some great.

pdf Social Justice Matters: Witnessing to Peace in a Violent World (818 KB)

 SJS_2009_cover27 September 2009

Hope for the Common Good

As people who receive the planet as God's sacred gift to us, we have a particular responsibility to live in harmony with and care for the natural world, ensuring that God's gift will be enjoyed by the generations to come.

The Social Justice Network have produced a six page resource to assist church groups and others to look Beyond the Global Financial Crisis, to assist those most vulnerable and use our God given talents to live responsibly in the world.

pdf Social Justice Matters - Hope for the Common Good (2.25 MB)  


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