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IMAGE Thursdays in Blackx 500#ThursdaysinBlack 

In every country, gender-based violence is a tragic reality:

- One in three women today experience physical or sexual violence, mostly by an intimate partner.
- Globally, more than eight out of ten girls experience street harassment before they are 17.
- Women and girls represent 70 percent of human trafficking victims.
- One in four children under the age of five lives in a household experiencing domestic violence*.

People of faith must speak out against sexual and gender based violence.

This violence is frequently hidden, and victims are often silent, fearing stigma and further violence.

We all have a responsibility to speak out against violence, to ensure that women and men, boys and girls, are safe from rape and violence in homes, schools, work, streets - in all places in our societies.

The National Council of Churches in Australia (NCCA) is a proud promoter of the global ecumenical campaign 'Thursdays in Black'. A campaign that grew out of the World Council of Churches' Decade of Churches in Solidarity with Women (1988 - 1998), in which stories of rape as a weapon of war, gender injustice, abuse, violence, and many tragedies that grow outward from such violence became all the more visible.

Thursdays in Black: Resistance and Resilience - https://www.oikoumene.org/en/get-involved/thursdays-in-black

The campaign is simple but profound.

- Wear black on Thursdays.
- Wear a pin to declare you are part of the global movement resisting attitudes and practices that permit rape and violence.
- Show your respect for women who are resilience in the face of injustice and violence.
- Encourage others to join you.

UN 16 Days of Activism against Gender Based Violence Prayers

This year, the NCCA is observing the UN 16 Days of Action against Gender Based Violence. The campaign has been run every year since 1991 from 25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, to 10 December, Human Rights Day. Each day of the campaign, you are encouraged to pray with prayers supplied by the Anglican Diocese of Melbourne. Daily prayers will be posted on the NCCA Facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/NCCA.Au/

Please pray with us ‘towards a world without rape and violence’.

*Statistics from UN Women and UNICEF


NB: Our NCCA ThursdaysinBlack badges are currently out of stock. 

Badge templates for printing can be found on the World Council of Churches website 


The following prayers were posted on our Facebook page between 25 November - 10 December 2018

pdf 25 November (237 KB)

pdf 26 November (237 KB)

pdf 27 November (237 KB)

pdf 28 November (236 KB)

pdf 29 November (237 KB)  

pdf 30 November (237 KB)

pdf 1 December (237 KB)

pdf 2 December (237 KB)

pdf 3 December (236 KB)

pdf 4 December (237 KB)

pdf 5 December (237 KB)

pdf 6 December (238 KB)

pdf 7 December (237 KB)

pdf 8 December (238 KB)

pdf 9 December (237 KB)

pdf 10 December (238 KB)  

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