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April 2019 Issue 1


May your Holy Week and Easter be a time of beautiful renewal

A musical friend told me last week of a conversation with his 7 year old daughter.

They were having breakfast. Out of nowhere, she said: “My life is going to be more difficult than yours, isn’t it”? He knew that, in his momentary pause before answering, she saw that he thought this was probably true. So he didn’t try to evade or obfuscate. “Yes, probably”, he heard himself saying. Then he added some words about all doing our best that her life not be too difficult...

The 13 messages follow.


‘Passing on the Light’ is a ceremony that participants in the EAPPI program, (Ecumenical Accompaniment Program in Palestine and Israel) partake in when one team of Ecumenical Accompaniers (EAs) hands over to the next team. It is a symbolic affirmation of the role the outgoing team played in the Holy Land and the hope they carry with them to their countries of origin. By receiving the light the new team agrees to walk in the light with the people of Palestine and Israel, offering kindness, hope, patience and love.

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