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News and Events
Friday, 26 June 2015 14:51

Our People: Sadie Moore

sadiemoore 150Sadie Moore is the Head of Community Fundraising, Act for Peace.

The 2015 FIA Awards for Excellence in Fundraising were announced in February. One of the major awards, Most Effective Creative Campaign, was won by Act for Peace - Act for Peace Ration Challenge – a project that was designed by Sadie. It also won the award for Special Events – under $5 million revenue.

Friday, 26 June 2015 14:39

Our Partner: Common Grace

commongrace 150Common Grace, an initiative launched on 5 December 2014, receives funding through the Glenburnie Programme. National Director, Jarrod McKenna, Operations Director, Jessica Smith, and Communications Director, Kylie Beach, work with two Campaign teams: Asylum Seeker Campaign Team, led by Justin Whelan, and Climate Change Campaign Team, led by Jody Lightfoot.


Tuesday, 19 May 2015 15:32

Refugee and Migrant Sunday 2015

The plight of people forced to flee their lands confronts us on a daily basis.

The NCCA invites all Australian churches to participate in Refugee and Migrant Sunday.

Worship resources for participating churches.

Wednesday, 01 April 2015 17:22

Act for Peace – Vanuatu Emergency Response

vanuatuemergency02 150On 14th and 15th March, Cyclone Pam hit Vanuatu bringing mass destruction across the island nation. Some areas were battered by winds of over 300km per hour; many communities lost shelters, water tanks, schools, clinics and gardens. In a country where around 80% of the population relies on subsistence farming for survival, the impact of this category 5 cyclone has been devastating.

newgensec 150Sr Elizabeth Delaney, a Sister of the Good Samaritan (SGS) of the Order of St Benedict, was commissioned on 4 March 2015 as the 4th General Secretary of the National Council of Churches in Australia (NCCA), based in Sydney. Elizabeth brings ten years' experience with ecumenical and inter-faith dialogues through the offices of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference and her five years of service as a member of the NCCA Executive Committee.

Friday, 17 January 2014 01:00

Statement for Geneva 2 talks on Syria

From the World Council of Churches

"An urgent call to action for a just peace in Syria" - statement from the WCC Ecumenical Consultation on Syria, held 15-17 January 2014, at the Ecumenical Centre to be presented at the Geneva 2 talks on Syria.

Church leaders and representatives from Syria, the Middle East Council of Churches, the World Council of Churches and the Holy See[1] gathered in Geneva from 15–17 January 2014 for a consultation to address the forthcoming Geneva II peace conference on Syria.

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