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pdf SAC 7 Closing Address: Elizabeth Hall "Resilience into the future"

SAC 7 Conference

Closing Address: Elizabeth Hall "Resilience into the future" 

pdf SAC 7 Elizabeth Hall Resources

SAC 7 Elizabeth Hall Resources


pdf SAC 7 Keynote 1: Elizabeth Hall "Building resilience in our churches"

SAC 7 Conference 

Keynote 1: Elizabeth Hall "Building resilience in our churches"

pdf SAC 7 Keynote 2: Elizabeth Hall "Resilience... so what?"

SAC 7 Conference 

Keynote 2: Elizabeth Hall "Resilience... so what?"

pdf SAC 7 Keynote 3: Dr. Katie Seidler "Safe ministry to known offenders, is this achievable?"

SAC 7 Conference 

Keynote 3: Dr. Katie Seidler "Safe ministry to known offenders, is this achievable?"

pdf SAC 7 Keynote 4: Andrea Musulin "Resilience in individuals - Protective behaviours"

SAC 7 Conference

Keynote 4: Andrea Musulin "Resilience in individuals - Protective behaviours"

pdf SAC 7 Openning Address: Garth Blake

SAC 7 Conference 

Openning Address: Garth Blake

pdf SAC 7 Session four: Elizabeth Hall "Survivor Resilience"

SAC 7 Masterclass

Session four: Elizabeth Hall "Survivor Resilience"

pdf SAC 7 Session one: Elizabeth Hall "Challenging a culture that has allowed abuse"

SAC 7 Masterclass

Session one: Elizabeth Hall "Challenging a culture that has allowed abuse"

pdf SAC8 Schedule

SAC 8 Schedule 

Click the link to open 

pdf Safe Church Program Brochure

Information on the Safe Church Program of the NCCA

- Safe Church Training agreement

- Safe Church Network

- Safe as Churches Conference

pdf Safe Church Startup Guide

Safe Church Startup guide - Understanding what is required for your church

Click the Download PDF link for this sample

pdf Sample Childrens Code of Conduct

Here is a sample of a Children's Code of Conduct 

Click the Download PDF link for this sample

pdf Sample Code of Conduct

Sample - Code of Conduct for Church/Organsiation/Agency

Click the Download PDF link for this sample

pdf Sample incident report form

Incident report form SAMPLE 

Click the Download PDF link for this sample

pdf Sample leadership application form

Leadership Application - SAMPLE form

Click the Download PDF link for this sample

pdf Sample permission note

Permission Note SAMPLE - Parental Consent 

Click the Download PDF link for this sample

pdf Sample Photo policy

Use of Images - Photo policy SAMPLE 

Click the Download PDF link for this sample

pdf Sample reigstration form

Registration form SAMPLE - Parental consent for programs

Click the Download PDF link for this sample

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