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pdf Sample Reporting concerns form

Reporting Concerns SAMPLE form - Helpful form for record keeping in responding to dsiclosures

Click the Download PDF link for this sample

pdf Sample ROSH form

Risk of Significant Harm (ROSH) form SAMPLE - Helpful for record keeping when there is a disclosure of abuse that requires reporting to statutory authorities 

Click the Download PDF link for this sample

pdf Sample Safe Church Policy

Child Protection Policy / Safe Church Policy - SAMPLE

Click the Download PDF link for this sample

pdf Sample sign in out sheet

SAMPLE Sign in / Sign out register form - Helpful for children's programs (for children under 12yrs)

Click the Download PDF link for this sample

pdf SCTA Framework and Standards

Safe Church Training Agreement - Framework and Standards

(Click the "Download" button for the full PDF copy)

The standards assist churches to meet workplace health and safety (WH&S) requirements, duty of care responsibilities for those who participate in activities of the church, and the protection and care of children and vulnerable people.

The SCTA National Training Standards apply to all those who are members of the Safe Church Training
Agreement that is administered by NCCA. Church training manuals and training workshops need to meet
these training standards to be eligible for membership. The SCTA facilitates the training of presenters to
ensure consistency and quality in the delivery of training that meets the National Training Standards.

pdf SCTA Information Pack

Safe Church Training Agreement - Information Pack

(Click the "Download" button for the full PDF copy)

Here you will find out more information about the Safe Church Training Agreement and how it can benefit your church/diocese/synod/denomination.

Key Objectives
To make Australian churches safer places the SCTA aims to model:

HIGH QUALITY: by providing National Standards for holistic Safe Church ministry programs and
training of workshop presenters.

SUSTAINABILITY: by resourcing and facilitating the ongoing task of educating leaders in holistic
Safe Church ministry.

ACCESSIBILITY: by resourcing and facilitating the training of greater numbers of church and ministry
leaders so as to minimise the risk of the potential for, and intensity of, failures in duty of care and cases
of physical, sexual, emotional, financial and spiritual abuse.

RESPONSIBILITY: by increasing the awareness of ‘every person’ involved in Australian churches and
Christian ministry of our shared responsibility in holistic Safe Church ministry.

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