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Monday, 10 August 2009 12:45

Inaugural Forum - Highlights

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SUNDAY, JULY 3  -  Service of Inauguration at St Christopher's Cathedral - Canberra

Archbishop Keith Rayner, Primate of the Anglican Church of Australia preached the sermon (see Appendix I)
Delegates of the following churches affirmed their willingness to become members of the NCCA -

The Anglican Church of Australia
The Antiochian Orthodox Church
The Armenian Apostolic Church
The Assyrian Church of the East
The Churches of Christ in Australia
The Coptic Orthodox Church
The Greek Orthodox Church
The Religious Society of Friends
The Roman Catholic Church
The Romanian Orthodox Church
The Salvation Army
The Syrian Orthodox Church
The Uniting Church in Australia

The opening prayer of the meeting was offered by the Revd Graham Paulson and a painting was presented to the NCCA by Aboriginal and Islander participants, and Ms Anne-Pattel Gray on their behalf spoke of the hopes of indigenous Christians for the Council.  [See "A Vision of God's Promise"  -  Appendix II]

The interim President, the Revd Ian Allsop, welcomed participants and the interim General Secretary, the Revd David Gill, drew attention to the list of participants [Appendix III].


In deliberative sessions, small groups and denominational meetings, participants discussed "Owning the Vision - the NCCA's Inauguration,"   "Implementing the Vision - the NCCA's Objectives,"  and  "Structuring for the Vision - the NCCA's Priorities and Machinery".
A detailed collation of written comments from the small groups is appended [Appendix IV].

Feedback from the denominational groups revealed the following priorities, which with several associated issues were referred to the Steering Committee to consider and to bring back the following day in the form of recommendations.

* Faith and Unity
* Christian World Service
* Aboriginal and Islander people
* NCCA's advocacy role on behalf of oppressed people
* Evangelism/evangelisation
* Relationships with people of other `living faiths'
* Deeper understanding of social and cultural makeup of our society
* Spiritual activities
* Promoting the NCCA
* Young people as a priority
* Relationship between State Councils of Churches and the NCCA
* Upgrading of staff.

The interim President reported that the Executive (Appendix V), meeting the previous evening, had appointed Archbishop Aghan Baliozian as President of the National Council of Churches in Australia.

The Revd David Gill was appointed General Secretary of the National Council of Churches in Australia, to 31 December 1998.

It was also noted that the Executive had appointed Mr Ron Brown as Treasurer of the National Council of Churches in Australia.

IT WAS RESOLVED that the NCCA seek membership of the Christian Conference of Asia and "associate council" relationship with the World Council of Churches.

At different points in the agenda, greetings were received from guests representing related ecumenical bodies: the Christian Conference of Asia, the World Council of Churches, the Pacific Conference of Churches, the Papua New Guinea Council of Churches, the Communion of Churches in Indonesia and the Conference of Churches in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Written messages of support were received from the Prime Minister, Senator John Woodley, Senator Christabel Chamarette, the Anglican Diocese of Bunbury, the Ecumenical Network of Youth and Student Movements in Australia, the Australian Conference of Leaders of Religious Institutes, the Dominican Sisters of Eastern Australia, the Victorian Council of Christian Education, the Melbourne College of Divinity, The Corporation of the Diocesan Synod of North Queensland, the World Day of Prayer - Australia, the Young Women's Christian Association of Australia, the National Council of Churches in India, the Bishops' Committee for Justice, Development and Peace and the Australian Church Women.

It was noted that the following resolution had been passed by the Senate -

That the Senate  -

a] notes that the leaders of twelve Australian churches representing Anglican, Orthodox, Protestant and Roman Catholic Christians will be present at the inauguration of the National Council of Churches in Australia in St Christopher's Cathedral, Manuka at 7.30 pm on 3 July 1994;

b] acknowledges the contribution made by Bishops Bede Heather and Richard Appleby, co-convenors of the working group, and the Reverend David Gill, General Secretary of the Australian Council of Churches, towards the formation of the National Council of Churches in Australia;

c] congratulates the ABC for televising of the event for broadcast on Sunday 3 July 1994 at 10.30 pm and Sunday 10 July 1994 at 11 am;

d] urges all Australians to enter into the spirit of reconciliation and hope which this new body symbolises.

The following commissions, committees were established:


IT WAS RESOLVED that the National Forum establish a commission, to be known as Faith and Unity, to assist the churches as they reflect theologically on the issues which hinder the goal of visible unity in one faith and one fellowship expressed in worship and common life in Christ.


IT WAS RESOLVED that the National Forum establish a commission, to be known as Christian World Service [CWS], to operate under the following mandate until the next ordinary meeting of the National Forum:

1.  The Commission's principal responsibility will be to consult with member churches, related denominational agencies, state ecumenical bodies and other appropriate entities, with a view to bringing recommendations to the next meeting of the National Forum regarding a mandate, programme and structure for CHRISTIAN WORLD SERVICE that will enable the churches to act together in partnership with churches elsewhere in response to human need.

2. CWS will appoint a working group, for this interim period, to carry forward the programmes of the former Commission for World Christian Action.  Specifically, the working group will foster partnerships with overseas churches and communities,  be informed by and stand with indigenous people in Australia, develop church support for refugees and migrants, encourage member churches and the Australian community generally to become more aware of issues of justice and human development, and promote such initiatives as the Christmas Bowl appeal and Force 10.

3. Pending appointment of this working group by CWS, the responsibilities in 2 [above] will be exercised by the Standing Committee of the former ACC/CWCA advised by the former ACC/CWCA sub-committees, with such additional membership as the General Secretary may determine.


a] express its warm appreciation and gratitude to the Aboriginal and Islander people at the Forum for their gift to the NCCA of the painting "Invasion";

b] affirm a high priority for the NCCA objective "acting in solidarity with Aboriginal and Islander people" [NCCA Constitution - Objectives 4.01 (b) iv];

c] refer the statement from Aboriginal and Islander people "A Vision of God's Promise" to member churches with the request that, following consultation where applicable with Aboriginal and Islander members of the church, comment on the statement be made to the Executive and the Executive then respond on behalf of the NCCA to the Aboriginal and Islander Commission Steering Committee.


IT WAS RESOLVED that the former Commission on Mission of the ACC be asked to continue ad interim as an agency of the NCCA.

IT WAS RESOLVED that member churches plus those non-member churches that were represented on the ACC's Commission on Mission be invited to appoint representatives under the provisions of the Commission's constitution, with the Commission to recommend a chairperson for appointment by the Executive.

IT WAS RESOLVED that the Executive be asked to review the constitution of the Commission on Mission in the light of the NCCA's objectives and membership, and to bring recommendations for constitutional change to the next ordinary meeting of the National Forum.


IT WAS RESOLVED that the National Forum establish a Sydney-based Finance Committee to oversee financial and administrative matters pertaining to the NCCA and associated bodies, particularly the processes of budget development and control.


In response to a concern raised by the Anglican Church, with the support of the Antiochian Orthodox Church, IT WAS RESOLVED that the National Forum :

a] make youth participation and development a matter of high priority during the next four year period [ie. 1994-98];

b] establish the Ecumenical Internship Programme, as developed by member churches of the NCCA;

c] affirm and provide for the continuation of the vital work of liaison and networking already begun in the following areas -

 i] networking of member church youth agencies;
 ii] liaison with non-member church youth networks;
 iii] support of recently formed inter-Orthodox youth networks;
 iv] cooperation with other Australian and international ecumenical youth bodies;

d] request the General Secretary, in consultation with member churches, to explore the possibilities of staff support to resource the Internship Programme and the continuing task of networking.

In response to a concern raised by the Anglican Church, with the support of the Uniting Church, IT WAS RESOLVED that the National Forum -

a] note the initial proposals to develop what is presently the National Anglican Church site at Barton in the ACT as an ecumenical centre for Australian Christian life, witness and pilgrimage;

b] encourage member churches to give consideration to the proposal as it is further developed.

Other matters raised by member churches:

IT WAS RESOLVED to request the Executive to give consideration to the following matters raised by member churches:

1. objective 4.01 [a] ii] in the NCCA Constitution - especially in the light of the hopes and concerns raised by the Orthodox churches;

2. the NCCA's role in evangelism/evangelisation;

3. the proposals for the way in which the NCCA responds to the concerns of women and of gender relationship concerns;

4. a staffed function within the NCCA on media relations and promotion;

5. the nature of the relationships the NCCA seeks with people of other living faiths (NCCA Constitution 4.01 [c] ii]),

and report to the next meeting of the National Forum.

The National Forum recorded its gratitude to all who had contributed to its success, and specifically:  Ms Gillian Hunt - for the local arrangements, the Revd Dr D'Arcy Wood, the Revd Ken Heffernan, Mr Ken Hutchings and other helpers from Canberra for the service and other local arrangements;  Sister Elizabeth and Ms Therese May and staff and students of Ursula College for the excellent facilities;  the medical staff of Ursula College;  Mr Cliff Hicks for the electronic equipment;  Mr Brian Norris for arranging the photocopier from Canon;  the Retreat leaders - the Revds Helen Mills and Austin Cooper;  Sabine Erika for the Friday evening programme and Ms Janet Wood for the Saturday evening programme;  the facilitators - Mr David Shinnick and Ms Moira Deslandes;  Ms Elizabeth Harrington and the Revd Robert Gribben for the closing worship; the Steering and Nominations Committees, including the Revds Peter Cross and Gregor Henderson;  the Press Officer, Mr David Busch;  Bishops Bede Heather and Richard Appleby and the NCCA Working Group;  ACC/NCCA staff and particularly Ms Wilma Viswanathan;  the General Secretary and the President.

The gathering closed with worship, including prayers for NCCA officers and members of the Executive and an act of mutual commissioning to ecumenical witness and service.

Read 16985 times Last modified on Monday, 10 August 2009 13:01

More in this category: « Appendix I

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