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2009: Christ Through Culture

Graeme_Jubal_Cross_4In 2009, NATSIEC held the second Christ and Culture Conference in Ballina, NSW.

The conference was an exploration of Indigenous theology, what it is and the unique contribution Indigenous spirituality makes to an Australian theology. Other sessions included: looking at the experience of 100 years of mission in Australia: examining what the Community of Church of the future would look like; the importance of story telling; and how we bring Indigenous culture into our ministry. Also discussed was how to strengthen our networks and work better together.

With International theologians, Dr Wati Longchar and Dr Limatula Logkumer, adding their voice to local theologians such as Evelyn Parkin this collection of papers, and presentations is a valuable addition to the body of knowledge on Indigenous theology and spirituality. Other contributors were renowned futurist Prof. Tony Stephenson, Bishop Greg Thompson and Pastor Harry Walker. Revd. Colleen Mamarika, Revd. Dr. Joy Sandefur and Ms. Tahnia Mossman also talked about their own experiences and perspectives from the field. Finally, the voices of each and every participant are woven throughout the publication through the inclusion of their thoughts arising out of the field work.

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