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Monday, 31 August 2009 11:04

Article for Sight Magazine

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July 2006
The NCCA President was asked by Sight Magazine* to respond in 200 words to the following question.

"What do you see as the most significant challenge
for the Christian Church in Australia at the moment?"

A serious challenge is how to discern the mind of Christ in situations where faithful Christians hold opposing views on homosexuality and the leadership of women.
This, of course, is not the first time Christians have struggled to respond to contemporary challenges.
In the early Church it was whether they could ignore the biblical requirement that converts be circumcised.  In the 16th Century it was whether the scriptural prohibition of usury could be put aside.  In the 18th and 19th Centuries it was the abolition of slavery.  And, as we know, in these situations the Church discerned the mind of Christ as not requiring circumcision; as allowing the charging of interest; and in favour of the abolition of slavery.
For many Christians today the issues are homosexuality and the leadership of women.
In this situation I know the National Council of Churches to have an important role.  For the NCCA brings together 15 national Churches and ecclesial communities enabling them to pray, share and work together.  In this they are helped in discerning the mind of Christ.
And, overcoming divisions is so important.  For, as Jesus prayed, "may they all be one".

*Sight Magazine is an online publication.  It is an editorially independent outreach publication of the Ocean Grove Baptist Fellowship.

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