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Monday, 31 August 2009 12:05

On the 10th Anniversary of the Lutheran Church

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logo_lcaOn Sunday 4 May 2008 the Lutheran Church of Australia (LCA) celebrated ten years of membership in the National Council of Churches (NCCA).  It was suggested by the National Office of the LCA to its pastors that one or both of the following prayer petitions be added to the prayer of the Church on Sunday 4 May to help commemorate the event.

We are grateful, Lord, for believers who have kept the faith over the centuries, and who have witnessed to you throughout the world. You have kept your promise and have made disciples of all nations. Help us to celebrate your church, and all believers, whether they come from another country or just next door. Open our eyes to the rich variety of your Church, and teach us to celebrate and learn from our sisters and brothers in the faith wherever they may be, and however their language and customs might differ from ours.

Lord, in your mercy,
Hear our prayer.

We thank you, Father, that you have made us all one in your Son Jesus Christ. Please help us to show our unity in Christ through lives of mercy, peace, and justice. Thank you for organisations like the National Council of Churches in Australia and (name here your State Council of Churches, and any local ecumenical groups), which remind us of our unity, and our need to learn more about each other. Help us work together with other Christians in (name here your town, suburb or region), across Australia and around the world, to the glory of your Holy name.

Lord, in your mercy,
Hear our prayer.

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