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Saturday, 01 March 2003 01:00

Humanitarian Need in the Middle East

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At present in Iraq, Syria and Jordan, the Middle East Council of Churches has been preparing to help those who will be affected by conflict in Iraq. Forecasts of the potential humanitarian need are staggering. One UN document estimates there may be as many as two million internally displaced persons within Iraq, and as many as 5.4 million more who will need food aid if war disrupts delivery of monthly government "food baskets".

The MECC has conducted two training sessions for volunteers - December 2002 in Amman (Jordan), and January 2003 in the town of Hasakeh (Syria), near the Iraqi border. Some 75 volunteers, both from the host countries and from inside Iraq, were trained to deal with the problems of internally displaced persons and refugees. The trainers were MECC staff-persons experienced in working with displaced persons during the previous Gulf War and the Lebanese civil war. In line with international standards and procedures, the volunteers were trained in how to provide adequate shelter, food, and other necessities.

In addition to acquiring useful skills at a time when a refugee crisis seems imminent, the training exercises gave MECC coordinators in Jordan and Iraq opportunity to network some 30 volunteers inside Iraq who will respond to emergency humanitarian situations as they arise, and to form a staff team of four to help coordinate this effort. Two people are being recruited to be in charge of operations in Baghdad and Mosul. The MECC has identified some 18 centrally located local churches (8 in Baghdad, 4 each in Basra and Mosul, and 2 in Kirkuk) where food and other supplies will be received and distributed to all in need without regard to religion. In addition, the MECC has relationships with the Iraqi Ministry of Health and with local hospitals enabling it to deliver emergency medical supplies as needed.

Outside Iraq, major influxes of refugees are expected in both Jordan and Syria. MECC coordinators are working with local governments and international agencies -especially the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR), and Action by Churches Together (ACT International), to prepare camps and preposition supplies.

Christian World Service/The National Council of Churches in Australia works in partnership with the Middle East Council of Churches and Action by Churches Together (International) and will co-operate with them in the alleviation of humanitarian need in Iraq and the surrounding countries.

CWS is preparing for an emergency appeal to the people of Australia for the people of Iraq and the Middle East.

Information : Colleen Hodge - Education and Public Relations
Christian World Service - The National Council of Churches in Australia
Telephones 02 9299 2215/0419 6852 48 - Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Read 3110 times Last modified on Friday, 25 September 2009 09:21

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