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Tuesday, 01 July 2003 00:00

Churches Challenge All Political Parties to Support

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The National Council of Churches in Australia (NCCA) endorses a new national initiative - “Make the right choice” - which challenges all political parties to unite in adopting fair policies for refugees and asylum seekers. “A Just Australia”, a national umbrella group of refugee advocates, launched the initiative today.

“Make the Right Choice” urges the Australian Government to:

Provide permanent protection for all refugees, with assistance to return home on a voluntary basis,
Introduce a process for humanitarian visas or solutions for those stuck in the limbo of long-term detention, and
Immediately release children and their families into the community.

“Clear opportunities now exist for a fresh approach bringing together the goodwill, resources and expertise of government, church and community to choose a fuller life for refugees and asylum seekers and to heal divisions in the wider community. Only the wisdom, courage and will is needed to do it ”, said the Rev John Henderson, the NCCA’s General Secretary.

“The Federal Government has recently confirmed that state welfare authorities can remove children from detention centres for the children’s wellbeing. Other political parties urge the Minister to allow children and their families to be released. The Federal court has ordered the release of asylum seekers who are prepared to leave Australia but are stateless or will not yet be accepted by their home or third countries. Without release these people would suffer indefinite detention.”

 “The churches urge all players to seize these openings and introduce a more humane policy. Today’s “Make the Right Choice” initiative is a blueprint for this. Jesus urged us to choose life in all its fullness and to offer such life to others”, said the Rev Henderson.

“The churches have long offered support to people fleeing persecution and helped advance their cause in society. Now, the NCCA has called for an end to the detention of children and Australia’s mandatory, indefinite and non-judicially reviewable detention system, which grossly exceeds the needs of initial identity, security and health checks. It has also called on the Government to cease issuing of temporary protection visas to refugees instead of providing the security of permanent protection and residency”, said Mr James Thomson, NCCA’s Refugee Education and Advocacy Officer.

Read 1706 times Last modified on Friday, 25 September 2009 09:24

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