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Monday, 01 March 2004 01:00

Jews, Muslims and Christians call for Positive Choices for Peace

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Representatives of Australia's peak Christian, Islamic and Jewish bodies met in Sydney today reaffirming their joint commitment to live together in peace and respect in Australia.

In the light of heightened tensions in the Middle East and the possible export of tensions and violence to societies such as Australia, the Dialogue on the subject of "Peace" was both timely and valuable.

The Australian National Dialogue of Christians, Muslims and Jews (ANDCMJ), which is a joint initiative of the National Council of Churches in Australia, the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils and the Executive Council of Australian Jewry, met at Sydney's Zetland Mosque today, after being formally launched twelve months ago.

The representatives of the three peak bodies reaffirmed their commitment to the peace and the well-being of all Australians.

The delegates stated jointly “We call on all Australians to make positive choices for peace and to refuse to resolve issue by the use of violence. In light of our commitment to live in peace, no acts of violence or attacks against ethnic or religious communities are acceptable in our community.

“We should instead take positive actions, building on the strong relationships we already have. The 30 young people who participated in the recent ‘Journey of Promise’ initiative, sponsored by the ANDCMJ and supported by the Federal Government's ‘Living in Harmony’ initiative, are symbols of hope for the future of relationships in Australia. We should learn from their example and continue building a community of peace and hope.”

* * * * *
Further Information:

John Henderson, General Secretary, National Council of Churches in
Australia: 0429-224-935

Amjad Ali Mehboob, Chief Executive Officer, Australian Federation of
Islamic Councils: 0408-234-434

Jeremy Jones, President, Executive Council of Australian Jewry: 0411-536-436

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