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Thursday, 06 January 2005 01:00

Faith Communities Cooperate in Tsunami Relief

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A Multifaith Launch of South Asia Tsunami Appeals will take place at the Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture, 15 Blackall Street, Barton ACT, at 11am on Friday 7 January 2005.

The Reverend Professor James Haire, President of the National Council of Churches in Australia and Executive Director of the Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture, will coordinate the launch.

Professor Haire commented. “In this time of great suffering and need in Asia, this multifaith launch is an expression of the importance of cooperation and consultation between faith communities, in the collection and distribution of aid.”

He added, “Cooperation between the faith communities is strong in Australia. In this launch, we wish to model that cooperation, for the Australian community and overseas.”

The participating organisations are:

The Australian Federation of Islamic Councils
The Executive Council of Australian Jewry
The Federation of Australian Buddhist Councils
The Hindu Council of Australia
The National Council of Churches in Australia

Representatives from each of these organisations will be present.

Funds will be channelled through aid agencies either connected with, or chosen by, each of the five organisations - details are available from the National Council of Churches in Australia, www.ncca.org.au/ This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it./ 02-9299 2215.

For more information, contact:
The Reverend Professor James Haire: 02 6273 8805, 0408 632 092

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