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Saturday, 25 June 2005 00:00

Churches and Conservationists Join Forces to Tackle Climate Change

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The National Council of Churches has joined with the Australian Conservation Foundation to call for action from
individuals, churches and governments to tackle dangerous climate change.
With support from the Uniting Church and Catholic Earthcare, ACF and the NCCA have produced a brochure,
Changing Climate, Changing Creation, which is being distributed this week to churches across the country.
“Care for the environment is a critical issue in our time. While we don’t understand everything, we do know that
human activity is doing great, and maybe irreparable, damage to our home, the earth. There are undeniable
links between environmental degradation and poverty, an injustice we are called to overcome, from
governments to individuals,” said Rev John Henderson, General Secretary of the National Council of Churches
in Australia.
“Climate change does more than threaten our environment – it threatens our health, our way of life and our
economy,” said ACF Executive Director Don Henry. “Global temperatures are increasing, placing untold
pressure on fragile ecosystems around the world and putting communities at risk. But with the help of
individuals in our community, of businesses and with political support, we can prevent dangerous climate
Christian groups elsewhere are getting active on climate change. European churches are lobbying the world’s
leaders in advance of next month’s G8 meeting and urging churches, communities and governments to take
action to prevent dangerous climate change (see the European Christian Environmental Network website:
www.ecen.org). In the US, Christian groups have also increased their activity (see:
www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2004/142/23.0.html and www.abc.net.au/am/content/2005/s1304756.htm).
The Changing Climate, Changing Creation brochure encourages Australian Christians to:
· write to or visit their federal MP and ask what they are doing to address the threat of climate change
· find out more about reducing energy and water usage and waste at home
· take action on climate change within churches and small groups.
Copies of the brochure can be requested from ACF at 03 9345 1131 or downloaded from
For more information, please contact:
John Connor, ACF Campaigns Director, 0409 935 044 or 03 9345 1176
Debra Porter, NCCA Communications Officer, 0427 789 410 or 02 9299 2215
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