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Monday, 05 May 2008 00:00

Churches Support Ban on Cluster Munitions

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Australian Churches Support Development of a Treaty to Ban Cluster Munitions

From the National Council of Churches of Australia

The suffering and hardship caused by cluster munitions was discussed at a recent meeting of the Executive of the National Council of Churches in Australia (NCCA)*.  It was agreed that the Council
o condemns the use of cluster munitions and supports the development of a treaty to ban cluster munitions;
o urges the Australian Government to actively support the development of a treaty; and
o notes the World Council of Churches Central Committee statement on cluster munitions (ref. http://www.oikoumene.org/?id=5616), including the Christian basis for standing against the production and use of cluster munitions.

“For more than 40 years, cluster bombs have killed and wounded innocent people, causing untold suffering, loss and hardship for thousands in more than 35 countries,” said Revd John Henderson, NCCA General Secretary, in a letter to the Minister for Defence and the Minister for Foreign Affairs.  “These weapons cause death and injury to civilians during attacks and for years afterwards as a result of lethal contamination.  Cluster bombs hamper post-conflict rebuilding and rehabilitation, and the dangerous work of cluster bomb clearance absorbs funds that could be spent on other urgent humanitarian needs.  Without determined action the civilian harm caused by these weapons will continue to grow.

“A legally binding international treaty to ban the use, production, stockpiling and transfer of cluster munitions, and to require assistance to survivors, help for affected communities and clearance of contaminated land is critical to protection of life and promotion of peace.  The calls for certain technical exemptions from a ban are not convincing,” said Revd Henderson.

The Dublin Diplomatic Conference on Cluster Munitions to negotiate a new instrument of international humanitarian law banning cluster munitions that cause unacceptable harm to civilians will take place from 19-30 May 2008.  The member Churches of the NCCA urge the Australian Government to take a leading role in this global effort to develop and support a legally binding treaty.

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* The National Council of Churches in Australia is an ecumenical council of member Australian Churches.  View the current list of member Churches at http://www.ncca.org.au/about_us/memberchurches

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